Example sentences of "must not [be] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A congregation must not be baffled by obscurity , but it must not be patronised by too much informality either .
2 Because they contain water , they must be stored in conditions where the temperature will not drop below 5°C , and must not be applied in cold , damp conditions , or when there is high humidity .
3 The dumping of contaminants ‘ in situ ’ must be ended and the most sensitive areas of seabed must not be disturbed by exploration .
4 The objective of controlling projects costs must not be viewed in isolation from the other objectives of controlling time and quality .
5 Of course , if the words of the Act clearly achieve a different result from that which seemed to be intended by the committee , it is the words which must prevail and strained constructions must not be adopted in order to give effect to the report .
6 We must not be misled by language .
7 While useful for assessing the severity of illness of individual patients or groups of patients , physiological data that can be influenced by medical and nursing intervention , such as that obtained by the APACHE II score , can not , paradoxically , be used to compare unit performances and must not be used for audit .
8 In The Austin Co of UK Ltd ( LON/91/1990 ) No 7981 the appellant reclaimed input tax on documents which contained many of the particulars required by reg 13(1) , but each of which also contained the words : ‘ This is not a tax invoice and must not be used for tax input tax credit purposes .
9 They provide breathing gas to the helmet , communications wires , the hot water hose ( this must not be used in air diving ) , a phunumofathometer ( used to obtain the divers ' depth ) , closed circuit television and light cables , and for mixed gas bell diving — a gas reclaim hose .
10 Council spokesman Doug Allan said labels on any household chemical warned they must not be used in association with other products .
11 ‘ He must not be allowed to glory in sinful pride and get away with it — ’
12 The practice pointed out that the criteria upon which Mr. Thorpe 's referral was turned down are invalid and says : ’ The NHS changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments , otherwise ’ , it asks , ’ how can pioneering work and advances take place ?
13 Geographical accident must not be allowed to disadvantage individuals in their ability to gain access to good local care .
14 The necessity of obtaining consents to transfers subject to a mortgage from occupiers of the matrimonial home aged 18 years and over must not be overlooked in view of the effect of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1981 ] AC 487 .
15 Developments and changes in education must not be considered in isolation , unrelated to the political , economic and social climate of the times in which they emerge .
16 The Tessa legislation specifies that the account must not be held on behalf of another person .
17 As Christians we must not be intimidated by secularisation : if we are , we have nothing distinctive to say .
18 McTaggart comments : ‘ It might perhaps suffice if we say that the relation between the living body and the mental state must not be mediated by intervention of any other living body . ’
19 The opportunities for the education of the student during her ward allocation must not be left to chance .
20 An early decision was made that use of the system must not be left to chance .
21 Most practitioners will have their own list of preferred specialists and the aquisition of such important know-how must not be left to chance ( see further Chapter 3 ) .
22 Greece and Turkey will be asked to accept that the border between them must not be changed by force , and to agree to a set of ‘ confidence-building measures ’ — pull-backs from the border , inspectors on the ground , aerial reconnaissance — to help them trust each other .
23 It must not be construed in isolation , but in context , including replies to enquiries before contract and the surrounding circumstances .
24 Please note that letters must be your own original work and must not be offered for publication elsewhere at the same time .
25 Letters submitted must be your own original work and must not be offered for publication elsewhere at the same time .
26 Potatoes which must not be offered for sale include those which are :
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