Example sentences of "must be [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hans Tietmayer , then Deputy President Elect of the Bundesbank , put it this way as early as June 1991 : ‘ A single currency requires a single bank which must be matched by a single government and a single state . ’
2 Any change in public deposits must be matched by an equal and opposite change in bankers ' deposits , from which still further consequences may follow .
3 Gratitude for the invitation to pay a brief tribute to Jim Byam Shaw on his retirement from active participation in the affairs of his famous firm must be tempered for an old friend by reflection on the difficulties that any such tribute involves .
4 However , legitimate concern about improvement must be tempered by the countless instances when communication certainly is effective .
5 The termini post quos of these finds could be tabulated with the diagnostic contents of each context , but the value of such an exercise must be tempered by the fundamental problem of the chronological association of the coins and the other artefacts and their respective use-life .
6 The jobs must be integrated into a formal organisation structure , and people must be selected to do the jobs .
7 Conservation must be integrated into the local community .
8 In the case of statutory orders , any specific requirements as to publication must be stated in the enabling act .
9 Years before , Lord Camden had insisted that the principles of the law of nature must be incorporated in the British Constitution if they were to be observed , and that they actually were so incorporated .
10 They are essential to the well being of local government and must be supported to the full .
11 Daily running checks need to be made and these checks must be supported by a workable maintenance system .
12 Your application must be supported by the Rural Development Commission .
13 Similarly if junior managers receive a three per cent salary increase , middle managers receive a five per cent and top managers a ten per cent increase the overall rise in salaries must be calculated from the original absolute numbers and not the percentage changes .
14 Article 12 of the Convention specifies that costs and other expenses must be borne by the interested parties .
15 It must be implemented in an effective way , ie. all people who need to benefit from the idea must have easy access to it .
16 A NOISY cockerel must be locked in a sound-proof box every night — because a neighbour ca n't stand his crowing .
17 It must be shared , and its final use must be decided at an early planning stage .
18 The images so vague in his mind were now quite clear and distinct but he had to be certain : the solution must be presented like a concise clear legal document , everything in its right place and , unfortunately , there were still gaps to be filled and ragged ends tidied up .
19 The government has a fifty billion pound deficit and so taxation must be increased in the short term .
20 A question must be raised concerning the appropriate level at which socialist planning can take place : can it be national in scope or must it be international ?
21 Any specialised product , which is as directly involved with the hygiene and comfort levels within the kitchen area , must be viewed as a potential risk if not designed , manufactured or maintained properly .
22 Mr John Buxton , director of property services , said improvements were needed because of new hygiene laws which said fresh fish must be stored below a certain temperature .
23 The surface must not be touched and it must be stored in a cool dry place away from electrical equipment because it is magnetic .
24 The chips have to be separated from their sockets without bending any of the pins and once removed they must be stored in an anti-static environment .
25 Internal security must be handled by the Japanese themselves .
26 Unemployment must be tackled by the European Community as a whole .
27 Given , therefore , that the company has come about essentially through private means , it must be understood as a private body , to be run by the corporators for their own self-selected purposes , and without any obligation to further the greater good .
28 These internal barriers must be understood as the natural consequence of attempting to combine together multi-interest groups possessing different power and influence .
29 Even the factory system , the characteristic form of production of the new industrialized Europe , must be understood in a special sense : in 1898 there were 8,500 power-using ‘ factories , in London , and they employed an average of only forty-one workers each .
30 " Petticoat government " and paternalism must be replaced by a supportive approach wherein each staff member is valued and trusted as a responsible adult .
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