Example sentences of "'ll have [verb] [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ By Jove , we 'll have to put some time in then ! ’
2 It wo n't go any tighter , you 'll have to put more paper in it if you wan na
3 So we say , oh well , we can do it , but we 'll have to invent another sort of number .
4 Because I do n't think we 'll have made any decisions by two thirty .
5 You 'll have to take some money with you .
6 We 'll have to take this thing to Ken 's .
7 If you think that this assignment is , is sort of preferable to the ones that you 've been looking , you could all choose this one , you 'll have to do some recording like the others on your own machines , but you could
8 ‘ Still , ’ he added , ‘ you 'll have heard that kind of compliment often enough , I 'm sure . ’
9 Otherwise , you 'll have to use some form of edge trim .
10 It is a heartening sight , evocative of all the sun and bright colours of Provence ; it is economical because it is one of those composite dishes which you gradually build up , to which you can make additions or subtractions and for which the planning of the colours , flavours , extra salads , vegetables , sauces , becomes perfectly intoxicating — but steady , keep a hold , or you 'll find you 've made enough food for thirty , and you 'll have to order another case of wine and invite twenty more guests …
11 You 'll have to have another go in your dreams Theresa .
12 ‘ Then we 'll have to find that Randall on our own .
13 But if I know our Emily , she 'll have found some way of getting out of City Europe .
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