Example sentences of "must [verb] been [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even the soldiers in the field must 've been thoroughly sick of all those whining pieces about Our Boys and Girls , and their mail , or the endlessly recycled nonsense about how hard it was to be a female soldier in Saudi Arabia .
2 so they must 've been fairly sure of their support to allow them to come into an area of villages .
3 There must 've been with erm in forty seven was it the encirclement campaign where they allowed the nationalists to sort of drive through the , I do n't know the defences , they must 've been fairly certain of their support in certain areas by then .
4 Everybody says , ‘ Oh , you won £44,000 in the world championships , you must 've been really pleased with that , ’ but it 's not just the money , it 's being able to pick up the trophy at the end — that 's the nice thing .
5 As argued earlier , for prevalence to have risen to over 1,000 in 1984–5 from a very low baseline in 1979 and a major acceleration in the incidence rate around 1982–3 , annual incidence for the five agencies must have been over 400 during 1984–5 , compared with nearer 300 in 1985–6 .
6 I THINK I must have been slightly mad for most of my life .
7 But when one learns that the whole project involved only two months of actual field research ( July-August 1936 ) , it becomes obvious that , in this case , the success of the enterprise must have been heavily dependent upon Fei 's prior local knowledge .
8 One of the implications of the Kentish monopoly of certain materials and sources is that other areas must have been either dependent on the Kentish elite for such goods , or sought their own exotic goods by making contacts with elites elsewhere , that is , entering into an entirely different network .
9 It must have been reassuringly familiar to him for it had many of the characteristics of the stone-built villages of the West Riding .
10 Yes , Joe must have been desperately lonely at that time , because he asked us to dinner the following evening at Chez Victor 's , one of his favourite restaurants .
11 Life must have been rather harder for the one Dissenter in Walberton .
12 The first appearance at away matches of massive groups of skinheads , all uniformly dressed and intent on smashing their opponents into the ground , must have been rather unnerving for the managers of those clubs who were hoping to turn football watching into a family outing .
13 It must have been rather unnerving for him to see his room thus turned upside down .
14 Bosch was also impressive in his first spell , when he must have been perilously close to having Simmons lbw .
15 Rifat 's opinions were shared by many others , Hindu , Muslim and Sikh , but her family in Pakistan must have been exceptionally reticent about sex .
16 The car must have been exceptionally sturdy for it often had me driving and pedalling like mad , with one friend perched on the bonnet and another on the back .
17 It must have been most pleasant by day .
18 The coverage given to Mr Allen 's remarks must have been particularly galling to Mr Giuliani 's backers in the Republican party who have been unable to make crime an issue in the race .
19 The winters must have been particularly hard on the children of the mine .
20 As a Spaniard he must have been particularly interested in seeing the important series of Iberian reliefs from Osuna when they were put on show in the Louvre in the spring of 1906 .
21 Her last depressing thought before she fell asleep was that Ross must have been thoroughly bored by her complete lack of sophistication , and it was extremely unlikely that he would ever want to see her again .
22 It is also worth speculating on the fate of what must have been a nonplussed Christopher Chryselius , Sir John Pennington must have been thoroughly annoyed at the outcome , too .
23 Her role must have been curiously akin to that of the executive businesswoman today , exercising the skills of management and delegation .
24 ‘ It must have been pretty horrific for everyone watching , ’ Croft apologised after grinding down Alison Smith 6-4 6-7 6-3 to reach the second round of the Volkswagen National championships .
25 ‘ He must have been pretty upset about the Wolvercote Jewel . ’
26 ‘ That must have been pretty frightful for you , ’ said Sophie , her optimism regenerated .
27 Ross Aldridge , the ‘ newcomer ’ policeman , must have been pretty well-briefed by his predecessor , because he restricted himself to friendly off-the-record warnings when the practice occasionally became too obvious .
28 ‘ It must have been pretty horrendous for the spectators , ’ she confessed .
29 They must have been easily satisfied in those days , I should think . ’
30 His father too must have been well satisfied with the Peace of Montmirail .
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