Example sentences of "over [art] [adj] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Over the following four years he cultivated the nomadic way of life which , with the exception of the war years , was to be his until he died : he drifted restlessly in southern Europe and North Africa — and when in London was seen at the theatre , the Ballets Russes , the Café Royal , and at the bohemian restaurant , La Tour Eiffel .
2 Eventually , the slurry not only reached the bottom of the main shaft , over the following 24 hours it rose 16 feet up it .
3 But over the following 24 hours it gradually emerged that late on Thursday night she had undergone an hour-long operation under general anaesthetic for a throat obstruction , which was later disclosed to be a piece of fish .
4 Over the first five years he introduced new locomotive designs and continued the development of the main-line ‘ Pacific ’ type , incorporating detailed improvements pioneered by George Jackson Churchward [ q.v. ] of the Great Western , whose work he greatly admired .
5 Over the first four days it was all I could do to get Dawn to step off the perch I 'd set up in the field , with my glove just a few inches away from her .
6 Over the first six days we were lucky to get more than three consecutive hours .
7 Over the first three days he was watched increasingly closely , as it appeared that he may have been sleeping during the early evening when no recordings were being made , and during the nights his wife seemed to be doing her best to keep him awake .
8 I think it 'll come but , well , we 're rather impatient I think when you look back over the past hundred years you see some massive erm changes which are quite unprecedented .
9 Over the past 10 years we have already come from a situation where road runners were getting virtually nothing from the sport , to a far more respected and well-provided role . ’
10 He said : ‘ Over the past 10 years we have been striving hard to maintain the numbers of part-time firefighters which are needed for this vital community service . ’
11 Yet over the past two decades we have seen reductions , in almost all countries surveyed , from eight to seven and sometimes even to six year primary cycles .
12 In the unlikely event of an alternative Administration being returned to power and seeking to get talks started , on the basis of my experience over the past two years I wish the hon. Gentleman well .
13 It makes sense to retain Lineker , for though his rate of scoring may have dropped considerably over the past two years he remains the only England striker of sufficient class to succeed in Italy next summer .
14 Over the past two days she had managed to convince herself that her mother was a different person from the one she knew .
15 Over the past two months I 've dealt with what you need to look out for when buying a computer and how to tell if the machine you intend to buy is well built .
16 Over the past 18 months they have been arriving , hundreds at a time , crammed into cargo space and sometimes half-starved during a circuitous voyage .
17 Over the past 18 months we have launched a number of products offering opportunities for existing customers .
18 Over the past twelve months it has been my great privilege to become more closely involved with those with disabilities , I have seen the enormous efforts being made to encourage participation at a very high competitive level as well as tremendous strides being made at many clubs to bring disabled people into sailing at all levels .
19 Lord Lane paid tribute to his ‘ team ’ of judges and revealed that over the past four years he had reviewed almost 1,500 life sentences — a task he had been unable to delegate and which he willingly relinquished to his successor , Lord Justice Taylor .
20 Over the past eight years it has halved in size ( from 6500 staff in 30 institutes ) and simultaneously it has changed its entire research strategy .
21 Over the past 13 years they have often lunched together , sitting at a specially reserved corner table in the Princess 's favourite San Lorenzo restaurant .
22 Over the past 2 years it has been subject to extensive repairs and its site to archaeological investigation .
23 If we look at the development of computers over the past 30 years we see accelerated change of a phenomenal nature .
24 indeed , the mood of the Conservative Party Conference twenty years ago was aptly summed up by one speaker who thought : ‘ Over the past 25 years we in this country , through misguided sentiment , have cast aside the word ‘ discipline ’ ’ , and now we are suffering from it . ’
25 This is vintage Saddam : over the past 21 years he has swung between killing Iraqi Kurds and offering them more self-rule than the Kurds in Turkey , Iran or Syria can dream of .
26 Over the past twenty years I have seen about a dozen performances of Hamlet , a play which was also constantly revived in the early seventeenth century .
27 Rather , over the past twenty years it has created discrete areas of fashion which do not automatically seek to emulate or follow one another .
28 Over the past three weeks I have conducted my own scientific poll among the taxi drivers who have taken me to and from Conservative Central Office each day .
29 Over the past three years they have turned one of the most dishonourable Soviet professions into something worthy of admiration .
30 Over the past three years we invested in new models , new manufacturing facilities and capacity . ’
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