Example sentences of "over [art] year [pers pn] have been " in BNC.

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1 Over the years we have been thankful to hear the BBC World Service in Chungking , Kuala Lumpur , Los Angeles , Guyana , Nigeria , Alaska and many other places — and that clear , calm statement of the news spoken with suave detachment in impeccable English has never ceased to satisfy .
2 They have provided a wonderful opportunity to get to know dolphins in the wild , and several of the females have given birth over the years they have been frequenting Monkey Mia , thus enabling study of their maternal care and child development .
3 Over the years they have been inducted into the Maori nation in New Zealand , a rare honour , have packed soccer stadiums in Uruguay and Chile which make Wembley look like a park pitch and have successfully led the way for numerous reggae bands to grab a slice of the American popular music market .
4 John Bratby R A A Retrospective , Gray Art Gallery , Clarence Road , Hartlepool ( Until April OVER the years they have been more than just good friends the Gray Art Gallery , in Hartlepool , and John Bratby , founder member of the ‘ Kitchen Sink School ’ , and , since 1971 , a full member of the Royal Academy .
5 Thus , over the years it has been used to index reports , trade literature , periodical articles and other similar documents .
6 Over the years it has been customary for the chairman to be re-elected for a second year .
7 She 'd say they 've just had a restaurant there , that would n't be so bad as a take away But getting back to the finances , I mean the Two Hundred Club over the years it has been in operation , I mean with what it gets this , what they get this year , supposing it 's not a thousand , supposing eight hundred , it might even be about eight thousand might n't it ?
8 And over the years it 's been possible to identify a number of factors produced by these bacteria that seem to make sense in terms of the pathology and the conditions .
9 But it 's all so ironic — if my little tinkering with her inhaler had n't led to her death nobody would have known that Doreen guessed — that I 'd been helping myself to the firm 's cash now and then — only piffling amounts over the years I 'd been with them , a few thousand here and there , just enough for some designer clothes and jewellery .
10 Over the years I 've been lucky enough to see pine martens , golden eagles , otters , blue hares , foxes and a huge variety of birds , including a snowy egret at Torridon , wildly off course from its African and European haunts .
11 Well but I mean , Brian was saying himself you know he ca n't remember at least he 's says he 's been working down London when he has n't been earning a hundred pound a day you know , it 's something , we just accepted it , he said over the years I 've been earning a hundred pound a day he says , and that was it you know yo yo just do .
12 Over the years I have been able to spend many hours with individual singers .
13 So , Sir , I have been able to reflect on the inherent good sense of the people of Worcester over the years I have been privileged to be the Member for that constituency .
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