Example sentences of "back to his [noun] 's [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , stone-cold-sober-seeming but perhaps too drunk to drive , he treks off through the dubs of a drizzle ( Thales said the world was made of water , the ‘ primary element ’ , and he handni even been to Glasgow ) back to his bachelor 's tenement flat ( Coelebs still in search of a wife ) .
2 George Borrow was to wander many roads before being invited back to his father 's home county .
3 ‘ Never , ’ Harrison said , lying , for his whole purpose was to get back to his father 's farm to work out when he could return and what he could offer Mary .
4 The young man with the terrible toothache — Harrison — had sought her out and , clumsily but resolutely , he had told her that he intended to leave the quarries , go back to his father 's farm , assess what his prospects were there and then come back and … his resolution had run out at that point but the aim was clear .
5 Henceforth he supported York until Anselm 's death brought him back to his father 's policy of supporting the unity of the Church under the southern see , By this time , however , it was too late to alter the general swing away from overlordships such as that claimed by Canterbury .
6 Lachlan Watt had been about to leave Hamish and Antonia 's party when Fergus had fallen over and Fiona had decided it was time to take her husband home ; she had offered Lachy a lift back to his brother 's house , but when they 'd got there Fergus had seemed fast asleep , snoring loudly and taking no apparent notice of Fiona shaking him and shouting at him ; Lachy had volunteered to come back to the castle to help get Fergus out of the car and upstairs to bed ; Fiona would run Lachy back afterwards .
7 Indeed , if you go back to his grandfather 's generation , they go right underground , for Bill Larnach comes from the solid traditions of the Durham miners .
8 Almost half of Edward 's sede vacante presentations were retrospective , some dating back to his grandfather 's reign , and most being based on fictitious entitlement ; considerable temptations were open to unscrupulous candidates , armed with dubious history , to challenge the rights of sitting tenants .
9 Their only son , also Philip , decided to come back to his mother 's home to live .
10 When Leach discovered Jacqueline was sleeping with Tommy he moved back to his mother 's house in Slough , and at Easter , 1989 , Tommy moved into Jacqueline 's flat .
11 He was then released on bail and , as is the custom , the police required conditions of his bail that he should not go back to his girlfriend 's address to prevent any possibility of any further offending .
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