Example sentences of "back [prep] his [noun] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And then , after putting the note on his bed for him to read when he came back for his rest and covering it with the undyed hessian bedspread in case their child saw it , she would sit down and try to wring words out of the sleepy little boy at breakfast before he went off to school , and find that she had an empty morning in which to worry about what she had written .
2 Joe Slattery flicked his long , straight hair back behind his ears and rubbed his chin .
3 He was still small and malleable enough for Annie to put the palm of her hand over his chest and tummy , swing him back onto his back and tickle him gently with the tips of her splayed fingers .
4 ‘ None of the electronic or automatic systems work , so each time you bowl , a man jumps down from a shelf behind the pins at the end of your lane , switches the light off , resets the pins , jumps back onto his shelf and switches the light back on ! ’ she said .
5 Holding it back with his shoulder and managing the flashlight under his arm , Forester took one of the cards and forced it into the gap , feeling it bend stiffly as he pushed it around the edge of the door .
6 Then he reaches back with his hand and rubs his foot with it .
7 But , even knowing how strong the British now were , he would give up polo tomorrow and climb back into his cockpit and resume the attack on Port Stanley .
8 Oliver sighed deeply , stuffed his treasure back into his pockets and sat down on the grass to watch .
9 Alan took him back into his bedroom and walked up and down with him mechanically , trying to soothe him .
10 When he saw Duclos striding back across the compound dragging a young Annamese boy behind him , he smiled quietly to himself , stepped back into his bedroom and began fumbling with the buttons of his silk shirt .
11 ‘ No , no , ’ he said , floating back into his web and sitting there , cross-legged , inquisitorial , his hands clasped in front of him .
12 Now Evans got back into his car and drove round to Connon 's house .
13 Peter got back into his car and started the engine .
14 Jimmy smiled at him , lounging back into his chair and crossing his hands on his belly .
15 He slipped the knife and the corkscrew back into his pocket and walked away , turning out of the yard and into St Martin 's Street again .
16 He pushed his handkerchief back into his pocket and looked across at his deputy , Sergei Kolchinsky , a Russian in his early fifties who had become an invaluable member of the team since joining UNACO from the KGB four years earlier .
17 Sheldukher slipped the laser pistol back into his pocket and substituted the black square .
18 He thrust the photographs back into his pocket and jerked round .
19 Grimly Delaney slipped the pipe back into his pocket and nodded .
20 Anyway , I came back into his office and gave him his coffee , and was just getting down to a long bout of conveyancing when the phone in our room rang .
21 I swing the gun back from his head and crash it down just above his ear .
22 He wore the usual faded , dun-coloured every-day clothes of the peasant and labourer , coarse woollen chausses and short homespun tunic , with a capuchon pushed back from his head and dangling at his back ; but the belt that circled his hips was of finely-tooled leather , and had straps to attach both sword and dagger , though he wore neither ; and his boots were knee-high , and also of soft leather , no doubt hand-worked somewhere in Wales , from native deerskin .
23 Tolonen gave a short laugh then glanced briefly at the Captain , before taking the clipboard back from his daughter and holding it open at the place she indicated .
24 The elder in charge of the herd would ask the boy to trace back in his memory and explain at what time and place he last saw the missing sheep or goat .
25 Thacker put his hands back in his pockets and gave her a pitying look .
26 He was going to put the medals back in his drawer and listen out of the window for Lee going up the field , listen for the sheep .
27 At thirty-two , he was young enough not to look completely haggard , even after thirty-six hours with only the odd hour 's sleep , but his dark hair was plastered to his head and the brown eyes were sunk back in his head and reddened with smoke and exhaustion .
28 Bridhe stood still , afraid to move , half-certain that the girl was about to harm the baby ; but when she saw Luch lay the little boy back in his cradle and tuck the coverlet round him , rock him for a moment , and then turn lovingly to pick up her own child again , the old lady felt tears come to her eyes .
29 He sat back in his pew and looked around the church which the indefatigable ladies of the WI had transformed with flowers and holly sprays .
30 Unknown to the singer , Frankie Knuckles , the New York-born , Chicago-made DJ producer , was now back in his birthplace and calling Chicago to ask friends where Robert 's beautiful voice had vanished to .
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