Example sentences of "back [prep] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The employees were occasionally terrified of Bernard ‘ as if he had one over him , ’ as they described it , but they all knew that however much he might stamp and shout while the anger lasted , he could go for a walk and come back as if nothing had happened .
2 But then , when he had leaned forward to brush her cheek , her neck , she had moved back as if he had transgressed , and all his knowledge of her had been shattered by her refusal .
3 He jerked his hand back as if it had received an electric shock : a cheek nerve had quivered .
4 Michael Gough , my editor , works for me in New York and he said he went to get a key to get back in after they had closed and they said why and he said because I think that I will be back later than your gate is locked .
5 And erm and then like , he went back in after we 'd finished playing and me and Scott carried on playing for a bit and then erm what was he going ?
6 In some ways I wish I had something to fall back on but I wanted to play guitar in a band , not waste time at university . ’
7 Just got in , well it were n't , it had n't gone right the way through , we just turned it over and chu , chucked the sheets and blankets back on once they 'd stopped smouldering and got back on it !
8 The lawyer told the court the injured party went to hospital where he was told his ear could have been sewn back on if he had brought it with him , but it was not found until the next day .
9 Once the drip was up and the monitor was on I was much less mobile but as I gained confidence I learnt how to put the monitor back on if it stopped working when I moved .
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