Example sentences of "being [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the first case , each text is given its own header , with any material common to all texts being factored out to an overall corpus header .
2 If it was n't exactly political pessimism of the order of ‘ mourir pour Danzig ’ it must have been alarming for Americans to hear from High Commissioner Pignon 's diplomatic adviser of the feeling that French interests were not important enough to die for because the country was being given over to the Vietnamese and when the war was over French influence would have disappeared .
3 Today sees a second order being flown out to the military base at Kaliningrad .
4 It 's only 18 months to two years since he was being bandied about as a possible England boss .
5 As it turned out , the principal had caught the other boys , and they were all being marched back in the front door of the school , but Mouse did n't know that .
6 Ask a hundred people what their least favourite part of the Spectrum is and the odds are heavily stacked in favour of the keyboard being pointed out as a prime culprit .
7 It was discarded when shelving had to be cleared away from a wall on which a mural had been discovered after being painted over in the Stalinist era when the artist who created it had fallen out of favour .
8 Erm , once again , the problems are being addressed in to a certain extent regarding residential homes and we 're very pleased with that .
9 So it can observe the animals illuminated by its red searchlight , while they swim in the dark , quite unaware that they are being eyed up as a potential meal .
10 Sometimes we went to the Cours Mirabeau and watched the debris from the daily market being picked over by the local dogs .
11 David Ormerod , a geology lecturer at the Open University , has been held in Oradea , Romania , for the past three days , after being picked up at the main crossing point into Hungary .
12 Of the 34 recurrent duodenal ulcers detected , 23 ( 68% ) occurred in patients taking placebo , most recurrences being picked up at the scheduled 4 , 8 , and 12 month endoscopies ( 15/23 placebo , 7/11 cisapride ) .
13 You could follow my example and hitchhike out of Miami airport , but only if you 're prepared to risk being picked up by a religious maniac , or dropped off in an impenetrable jungle of freeways close to the cocaine-dealing centre of America , or both .
14 As an alternative , radio versions are now available at economic prices ; these allow virtually unrestricted movement to the wearer , the signals being picked up by a special receiver which passes them on to the camcorder via a short cable connection .
15 Four more S.79s were sent out from Sicily to search for it but one ran out of fuel and had to ditch , the crew being picked up by an Italian hospital ship .
16 This explanation of urban poverty in terms of ‘ perverse incentives ’ is being picked up by the right wing in Britain and used as the basis for proposals for new policies and regulations regarding unemployment benefit , income support , and housing entitlement as they apply to lone mothers .
17 Now she sees many of the ideas being picked up by the commercial companies with which she had dealings because they believe it brings new talent into the industry .
18 In each case the experience of being wrenched out of the familiar instigates an identity crisis which results in a series of ‘ rebirths ’ as the protagonist grapples with the problem of selfhood and strives to construct some form of coherent identity out of the scraps of other peoples ' languages which penetrate his or her consciousness .
19 What was in fact happening , as the wizard knew , was that as the abused spirit of Bel-Shamharoth sank through the deeper chthonic planes his brooding spirit was being sucked out of the very stones into the region which , according to the discworld 's most reliable priests , was both under the ground and Somewhere Else .
20 The foil packs have a flat bottom so that they can stay upright when water is being added up to the measuring mark on the pack .
21 SMALL businesses are in danger of being frozen out of the pre-election debate , the Forum of Private Business , one of the sector 's most active lobbyists , says today .
22 BAe could end up with only 25 p.c. in the operation , which is being hived off into a new company , Corporate Jets .
23 Care must be taken to ensure that the new company , or its qualifying subsidiaries , carry on qualifying trades and , notably , film production companies and research and development companies qualify , so long as their activities are being carried on on a commercial basis with a view to profit .
24 In Russia English merchants had gone some way south of Moscow , and trade was also being carried on in the Eastern Mediterranean or Levant .
25 I went to the top of Ludgate Hill and watched exhausted men being carried out of the Old Bailey , then down side streets to where the steeple of St Bride 's church was tottering and the bells had gone crashing down minutes previously .
26 Eighty two staff at the Sainsbury 's supermarket on Tewkesbury Road in Cheltenham have contracted what 's thought to be a virus infection that causes fever , aches and vomiting.They 've all been sent home , and staff from other stores have been drafted in to keep the supermarket open.Tests are being carried out at the public health laboratory in the town to identify the illness.But Cheltenham 's Assistant Chief Environmental health officer says shoppers at the store should n't be worried about the outbreak :
27 Computer Science is a practical subject and , at Edinburgh , students are fortunate in having the opportunity to use systems ranging from single chip microprocessors to some of the world 's highest performance parallel processing systems , with much of their work being carried out on a distributed system of UNIX-based workstations .
28 Much of the field work is being carried out on the Upper Livulezi in Malawi .
29 In more anthropomorphic terms , it is as if one of the particles ‘ knows ’ what measurement is being carried out on the other and adjusts its state accordingly .
30 On structural grounds alone , a new building was needed as it was now so weak that it probably would not be able to withstand building operations being carried out on the surrounding land .
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