Example sentences of "even if you do [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Even if you did open it , ’ said the Bookman , ‘ I 'm sure the pages are weighed down with so many words it would be impossible to turn them over . ’
2 Even if you did see her , Mr Evans would n't let you go out with her , to a dance , or the pictures , or anything .
3 Then she insisted , ‘ It was a very kind thing you did … even if you did risk us all getting hung ! ’
4 ‘ I do n't want any of you others to do anything , even if you do mean it for the best . ’
5 So even if you do repay your loan on a building society account , er do n't forget that erm er the erm building society will then want to charge you for keeping the deeds of your house .
6 Even if you do find him , you ca n't make him go back to your sister , ’ she said slowly .
7 You still get your sixty pee even if you do do it in the day .
8 Even if you do claim you went up there to do him in !
9 I like what you print about me — and am amused and as usual do n't understand what it is all about even if you do say I am intellectual …
10 Even if you do fill your freezer with packaged ready-made meals ( and there are some very good ones now , even if they are a little expensive ) , it at least saves you time and organisation .
11 You 're quite a bird , even if you do like 'em long in the tooth ! ’
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