Example sentences of "'ve [adv] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Everything we 've so far found out about Titron is weird . ’
2 ‘ You 've obviously just come out of a shower . ’
3 So , anyway , erm he went to see this lad , then he says oh I 've only just rang up about these speakers , they 're eleven pound odd each .
4 It 's staying on the dual carriageway , well I went round Steven 's to see if he thought to tow it round mine cos the already been on my back once oh no he said I 've only just walked in from work I 'm having my tea then I 'm going to bed he said , there 's no way I 'm towing no motor for the he said , just f off !
5 You 've only just got out of bed ,
6 ‘ I 've only just got out of bed . ’
7 ‘ I 've only just got out of it !
8 I 've only just got back to the UK ’ He looked around him .
9 ‘ I 've only just got back to my room and picked up your message .
10 I have n't had time to think yet , I 've only just got back in on the phone and sorting out the printer .
11 Hello er , I 'm phoning on behalf of Mrs Ada er she 's got to come in for a scan on the fourth of February , nine o'clock , now we 've only just got back from the hospital today , cos she oh , she had to go today for one , yeah , and we 've just
12 I mean I 've only just come out of hospital and as it is I 'm still fairly well Macked with it .
13 ‘ I have been scribbling since infancy , though I 've only now buckled down to it .
14 A quick reminder , many people will know , but a quick reminder and er , if you 've perhaps just come back from holiday yourself , or you 're one of our new listeners , you may not know so I 'll tell you , Douglas Cameron 's Breakfast Call , this very programme , will be breaking new ground at the end of next month .
15 And can I just say , a governing body that I am on , I 've just recently gone on to , employs private cleaning contractors , it did n't want the D S O , and ever since that contract has come in , they have been in terrible , terrible trouble .
16 I know you 've just recently come back from Uganda .
17 No that 's not correct because I 've also already called up to P C into that master bedroom when I 've left or as I was about to handcuff er the man .
18 We 've never quite got on to first name terms , Emily and I. Even in our respective retirements .
19 In recent years , it 's been nice to know that I could decide to take my wife Lizzie on Concorde and not have to ask permission from the bank manager , but I 've never really gone in for extravagances — they all add up to too many paper rounds .
20 Well it , it , at least it 's gold , I mean , I , I , I was in the jewellery trade when I first left school , between school and national service I worked at a manufacturing jewellers in Birmingham and I 've never really gone along with the idea that nine carat is actually gold .
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