Example sentences of "even if it is [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 Together they illustrate that , even if it is true that Conservatism harbours ‘ a distrust of the purely intellectual approach in politics ’ , this in itself is an ideological position with important implications in terms of both the theory and practice of Conservatism , and Honderich concludes that ‘ the commodious proposition that Conservatives only have and only favour factual beliefs which have passed the test of time , are empirical and so on , and hence are untheoretical in various senses … needs to be delivered , if necessary by private contractors , to the rubbish heap of history ’ .
2 Even if it is true that only intention is relevant , this is no argument whatsoever for the admissibility of such trusts .
3 Even if it is true that God has guided someone into a particular religion , there is no reason why the sociologist can not study the social processes involved in the person 's conversion ; and , conversely , even if it is not true that it was God who was responsible , that does not mean that the sociologist can not study the belief and the ( possibly very considerable ) consequences of that belief for the individual concerned and for society .
4 Intuitively , it would be difficult to deny that there was a connection between the semantic contributions of black in the two sentences : blackness is not irrelevant to blackbirds ( even if it is true that not all blackbirds are black ) — this is proved by the normality of blackbirds , crows and other black birds .
5 Even if it is true that Saddam is Hitler and human evil incarnate , or less dramatically , that the Iraqi regime is akin to fascism , and must be destroyed , is the benefit simply self- evident — that international law will be asserted as the Kuwaitis regain their autonomy over the grave of their oppressor ?
6 Even if it is true that policemen require special protection in the course of their duties because of the proactive roles that we expect them to undertake , it does not follow that the person who assaults them without justification should be marked as having committed what is , in reality , an aggravated form of assault .
7 Even if it is clear that you have been dismissed , the precise date when your employment comes to an end may be unclear .
8 Even if it is likely that a Labour administration would have failed in the round to solve Britain 's fundamental problems , there is little doubt that at a minimum there would have been a substantial redistribution of income and some attempt to reform the City , regulate public utilities more strongly and determinedly tackle the homelessness problem .
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