Example sentences of "even if it [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This measure may be of use to health care planners , but , even if it is eventually validated and accepted as an equitable way of allocating resources , it will be of little help to general practitioners , whose decisions are mostly concerned with managing self limiting minor illnesses .
2 For whereas a subordinate rule of a system may be valid and in that sense ‘ exist ’ even if it is generally disregarded , the rule of recognition exists only as a complex , but normally concordant , practice of the courts , officials , and private persons in identifying the law by reference to certain criteria .
3 It takes its real departure from a problem , even if it is badly set up .
4 No , no , I mean blokes who live on their own , men who help , men who do other work about the house , even if it is n't cleaning and that .
5 But even if you do have to pretend , just this once , that you are only an ordinary tourist , that trip will live in your memory , even if it is n't entered in your log-book .
6 Even if it is not used much the trenchant criticisms of it would appear to demand reform , as it appears to be a blunt instrument which ‘ should be honed down to produce a greater quality of justice . ’
7 Even if it is not read out in the endless rounds of buying and selling shares , then the message , passive though it might be , should still find its way into the living rooms of a high proportion of homes in the Sheffield region .
8 In these circumstances soil erosion is potentially of utmost importance to the livelihood of these vulnerable people , even if it is not happening at present .
9 primarily and fundamentally one who is friendly , a good mixer , of sound character and having much commonsense ; she must be patient , not easily put out by misbehaviour or pressure of work , remaining calm at all times ; she must like children and be tolerant of them and their ways and also of her colleagues ; she must be willing to turn her hand to any job that needs to be done in the department even if it is normally done by people junior to herself .
10 Having spotted them , the predator will know where they are , even if it is momentarily distracted by the parent bird .
11 But unless you want to spend your time and money on litigation against surveyors , building societies , estate agents and solicitors , with no guarantee of success in the end , you need to become as competent as you possibly can in carrying out your own surveys , even if it is simply to check that the ‘ expert ’ has n't missed anything .
12 Under present UK law , a company has a separate legal personality ; and its members , even if it is wholly owned by another company , are not — at any rate in theory — liable for its debts and other obligations .
13 ( Ends sufficient in themselves , it will be remembered , include for us anything chosen however briefly for its own sake , even if it is only lazing in a deckchair in the sun . )
14 One of the great bonuses of The Third Age is time — time to spare for other people , even if it is only to listen to what they have to say .
15 Not all people who decide to work from home will be lucky enough to have a ready-made office space and they will need to make changes in their accommodation , even if it is only finding a place to keep the computer and the phone .
16 ‘ The play is a hotch-potch of fairytale and modern juvenile humour , which , even if it is only designed for children , has very little appeal , ’ he wrote .
17 If you have a really bad cellulite problem I suggest you follow the diet and try and take some sensible form of daily exercise even if it is only walking the dog for a couple of miles .
18 All of us like to receive support from others when we have a problem , even if it is only talking things over with friends .
19 Some of the more recent work on organization behaviour ( e.g. Brunnson , 1982 , 1985 ; Gioia , 1986 ; and Lord and Foti , 1986 ) reflects this notion of learned response based on prior knowledge , even if it is then referred to as a basis of order rather than disorder .
20 Yes , even if it 's just to say hello .
21 Your stringer should be able to explain these terms and more — and understanding some of the stringers ' buzz words can be useful , even if it 's just to impress your friends .
22 Just the same as , see there 's so many out of work the amount of people that are going for the jobs , there 's so many of them they erm they 're all got some sort of experience , even if it 's just doing a a week .
23 Johansson is driving the race of his life and he knows he is in charge of the championship , even if it 's not going to be his .
24 Even if it 's not used , it 's a good piece of equipment to have and would help some serious writers — Iris Murdoch , for one — not to fall into dreadful traps of bathos and sententiousness .
25 It 's easy enough to tap a telephone line , even if it 's digitally encoded , provided you can get to the exchange , or a junction box .
26 Er , certainly I 'm sure Rachel shares her information , even if it 's only to say , you ca n't watch that because something else is on Channel Four at the same time .
27 Even if it 's only to give you the confidence you know
28 They 've liaised with other organisations to make sure I 've got somebody coming in , even if it 's only to make me something to eat .
29 Even if it 's only stretching out your hand to receive the gift , it 's something yo you all of us have to do .
30 As one church planter has said : ‘ When Jesus comes back , I want to be doing something for God , even if it 's only making mistakes . ’
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