Example sentences of "even if [pron] [be] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But even if one is not antagonised by the appalling monotony of Mr. Lawrence 's theme , under all its splendid variations , one still turns away with the judgement : ‘ this is not my world , either as it is or as I should wish it to be . ’
2 It would be worth doing even if one was n't paid anything at all .
3 Even if they are not moving , it is still a charming way of saying ‘ thank you ’ .
4 This is something everyone wonders when starting out , even if they are not intending to make a living out of acting .
5 Questions will be asked , even if they are not asked publicly , about whether he is physically fit to continue in office .
6 The person who makes the arrangements with the funeral director may be considered to have entered into a binding contract , and become responsible for the cost , even if they are not related to the deceased .
7 Even if they are not inhibited from applying for special treatment they may suffer some loss of self-respect in receiving the service free .
8 In many parts of the world , inoculations are advisable even if they are not required for entry .
9 ( At present , securities houses offer their private clients the best price in the market , even if they are not offering it on their screens . )
10 Everybody 's intelligent , everyone 's trying to make sense of the world , even if they 're not plugged into larger systems of thought like some of us .
11 Erm , yes Chairman , the , the suggestion of the recommendation if you like , that er , Reginald 's erm , proposal it is , er to participate is , is er , rejected by er , I do n't particularly feel that way about it , that erm , if , apart from the fact that the contribution is sizable , and I do n't think that we 'll get all that many applications from the Regional District Council anyway , but erm , I would n't see harm at all of both Oswestry and Bridgenorth being allowed to send a representative if there were any applications , it 'd be good for their area , er , and er , even if they were n't allowed to vote on it , and I suppose they should n't be allowed to vote on it , erm , I , I would see it as erm , another attempt , another avenue to , towards partnership between District Council and the County Council development .
12 But the decisions made fascinating reading and would presumably still be dragged into any legal proceedings today , even if they were not regarded as binding .
13 The captain and the chief and second mates received cargo allotments of value , but officers of junior rank were unlikely to make very substantial profits , even if they were not forced to share their allocation of cargo space with the commander in order to obtain a place at all .
14 They would wash up the same way even if they were not watched .
15 But even if we 're not involved directly , I mean are you saying then that we perhaps put it to one side , it 's happening somewhere else ?
16 Even if we 're not gon na succeed it must have stuck in their throat that there was Jesus lying asleep .
17 Well that 's right , even if he 's not scoring goals he 's creating so much pressure and , and
18 Even if he is not working they will want er I think it 's two pounds twenty a week out of him .
19 In such cases the nominated auditor still has to make professional enquiry of the existing auditor even if he is not qualified to audit , and whether or not he is a member of the Institute .
20 In other words , Bukharin was cautiously calling for curbs on Stalin 's power , even if he was not referred to by name .
21 It was as if the flat was meant to satisfy inquiries provoked by Stavanger 's long absence by suggesting that even if he was not living there , he was still around and capable of dealing with his affairs .
22 Even even if he was n't accepted on a first occasion he 's probably had another two or three attempts elsewhere .
23 Because even if he was n't participating he was sitting listening .
24 He still granted himself the licences of old age — even if he was n't entitled .
25 Normally when he and I were with girls he would be all competitive , even if he was n't meaning to be .
26 Even if you 're not doing medicine . ’
27 And even if you 're not contemplating any of those things , as I 've said you 're still going to be faced with decisions about goods that you want to buy and services that you want to buy for your home .
28 where you 're just watching , helping , washing a few cups with somebody and , and then going on a course one or two days a week , and then you 're consider whether being took on and even if you 're not took on at that place at least you 've got something to say you 've done when you 're
29 Even if you 're not parked on a yellow line , the police can imagine you 're travelling at forty when you 're just doing thirty and so on .
30 When you are eating a fibre-rich diet there are restraining limits on how many calories you can actually manage to consume in a day — even if you are n't trying to shed weight .
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