Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] would [vb infin] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 China is negotiating , rather slowly , to join the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) ; those outsiders who favour binding China into international trading rules are roughly matched by those who would prefer to keep it outside and thus retain their present freedom to retaliate against its exports .
2 Those who would wish to take it in parts please show those against taking it in parts this evening we will vote on it as one amendment in that case .
3 To regard homosexuality as a social construction and nothing more is , potentially , to put another weapon in the hands of those who would like to see it quite literally erased from the world — if it can be constructed , then it can be deconstructed , so what are all those queers still doing here ?
4 For a building steeped in so much history it 's present condition saddens those who would like to see it restored .
5 It offers a useful analysis for those who would like to view everything with the ‘ padding ’ removed , and I concede that could be many readers .
6 Following pests and diseases is a section that will interest those who would like to try their hands at raising their own new plants , and perhaps even achieving fame in the process !
7 Unionist MPs have been quick to condemn those who would try to express their loyalty by attacks on defenceless fellow-citizens , but Mr John Taylor must be more careful with his language .
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