Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] have [adv] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pregnant women over the age of about 35 , those who have a close relative who has Down 's , or those who 've already given birth to a baby with Down 's , are usually offered a test to see if their foetus is affected .
2 Not only in large population centres but also in the countryside and small towns , those who had traditionally exercised power found themselves confronted , whether in newly constituted local councils or in the workplace , with a more open and popular style of politics and a more assertive lower class .
3 1989 ) we asked those who had just adopted children whether they would be prepared or willing to accept or consider adoption with contact .
4 The main agreements included a comprehensive general amnesty offered by the Rwandan government to all refugees which , subsequent to a ceasefire , would be extended to all those who had allegedly committed acts against the state .
5 Nowadays , the only noble families who sent sons to the Valiance Redoubt were those who had formerly espoused faiths other than Ixmarity and were now , under the ever-expanding rule of the Church , so impoverished by Ixmaritian tithes they were desperate to offload children in any direction .
6 Those who had previously found part of their income from ironmaking were thrown back on the less adequate resources of Wealden farming , although a small number of nomads continued to burn charcoal for the London market , camping in branch and sod hovels as they migrated from wood to wood .
7 On the examinations front , those publishers who had left undone titles for certain examinations are now doing them , while those who had already produced titles for the same examinations are producing more .
8 There was also a growing body of opinion in Westminster and Whitehall amongst many of those who had initially welcomed Sandys ’ 1957 Defence White Paper , that his doctrine was not as sensible as they had first thought .
9 However , in such studies , pipe and cigar smokers were usually defined as those who had never smoked cigarettes : these primary smokers tend not to inhale and so are exposed to relatively low amounts of tar and other harmful constituents of the tobacco smoke compared with cigarette smokers .
10 Among those who had never smoked cigarettes , there was very little increased risk [ 6 ] .
11 Half of those who had never used credit were in this ‘ never good ’ group .
12 Ochoa stated on Feb. 6 that 14 people had been killed and 57 wounded , and a total of 956 soldiers , five senior officers and 128 other officers had been arrested ; those who had merely followed orders would , he said , be treated leniently .
13 Awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock was spread much more evenly throughout the electorate , and in so far as it did vary it was particularly high amongst those who had recently watched television news or had recently discussed the campaign ( Table 7.7 ) .
14 By the end of the campaign that was no longer so true : awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock had spread much more evenly through the electorate and in so far as it did vary it was particularly high amongst those who had recently watched television news or discussed the campaign .
15 Yemen 's representative , M. A. S. al-Ashtal , said that those who had once urged patience , for economic sanctions to take effect , in Rhodesia or South Africa , should give peace a chance .
16 Taking all types of respondents together their ratings were similar for people who had not been in a residential home at all and those who had been in one for a year or more , while those who had only spent part of the last year of their lives in a residential home were generally felt to have had a worse quality of life : for 39 per cent of them it was rated as poor compared with 27 per cent of the other two groups .
17 The State has powers to alienate the rights of possessions to such " deserving grantees " ( the deserving grantees , according to Islamic law , are the landless , the warriors and others who serve the State , those who can actually cultivate the land , and those who have just embraced Islam ) who are able to put the land to productive use and to be of benefit to the society at large .
18 For pregnant women , or those who have just had babies , the pressures are sometimes so great that they become mentally disturbed .
19 Those who have previously done courses on the British constitution may wish to skip the next two sections .
20 The truth of what is presented here will best be proven by those who have already made part of this a reality in their lives .
21 Genetic counselling is basically giving advice to parents , including those who have already given birth to a mentally handicapped child , of risks of having a first or second child with mental handicap .
22 Proposals made thus far in this respect include protection at work for pregnant women or those who have already given birth ; pro rata equation of the rights of ‘ a-typical ’ ( part-time seasonal and temporary ) workers with those of full-time workers ; working hours ; establishment of European works councils [ see pp. 45 — 6 ] ; proof of employment contract ; and minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile work sites , such as construction sites and safety signs in the workplace .
23 For those who have already purchased Volumes 1 & 2 , it is selfrecommending .
24 My hon. Friend the Member for Oxford , East said that such schemes should be available not only for those who have already committed offences but for young people who might be tempted to do so , perhaps for kicks .
25 The hospice wishes to thank the Springfield Mission for inviting the hospice chairman to address its members this week and to all those who have generously sent donations in memory of Mrs Hope , Mrs Ducker , Mr Brown and Mr Reed .
26 This ‘ closed drawbridge ’ mentality from those who have safely gained access to the good life , or at least a better life , is itself one of the factors that is having a ‘ ghettoizing ’ effect on the underclass .
27 Its posters claim to ‘ defend Islam , Islamic rule , constitutional rule , support the deprived and to prevent the dominance of capitalism and those who have never suffered poverty ’ .
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