Example sentences of "even [subord] they be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though he is too politically cautious to admit it in public , Mr Reilly knows he needs taxes as a weapon in the environmental arsenal , even if they are disguised under another label .
2 If there is to be any such thing as the Truth of History ( rather than several truths , even if they are organized into a system ) , our investigation must show that the kind of dialectical intelligibility which we have described … applies to the process of human history as a whole
3 Leapor is prepared to fight for her dignity , and , indeed , believes it is in women 's characters to resist a tyranny , even if they are deprived of the hope of success .
4 Tried and tested application programming interfaces , data structures , formats and protocols , will usually work in the same way even if they are encapsulated within other architectures .
5 Overseas persons are overseas ( or indeed UK ) securities firms ( whether brokers , dealers , banks , or investment managers or advisers ) who do not have a UK office for investment business ( even if they are authorised under the FSA ) .
6 The accounts , even if they are based on genuine memory as many undoubtedly are , are more examples of the kind of thing Jesus used to do .
7 They will retain this tonic immobility even if they are placed on their backs , giving certain human tricksters the chance to claim that they are capable of ‘ hypnotising frogs ’ .
8 Even if they are accepted from conviction , perhaps more often the case than political statements would imply , major vested interests have to be combatted to implement them .
9 Even if they are persuaded by these arguments , America 's banks face two big obstacles .
10 The general term ‘ sexual assault ’ is used here to include non-consensual sexual offences : there are various forms of sexual activity which are criminal even if they are indulged in consensually by adults of sound mind , and there was a brief discussion of these in Chapter 2.1 and 2.4 ( b ) .
11 The Directive applies not only to listed securities , but also to those quoted or dealt in with less formality ( e.g. on the British Unlisted Securities Market and the French Deuxième Marché ) and to traded options related to them ; this will be so even if they are issued by non-EC companies .
12 With nine points , they would be certain to qualify even if they are overtaken by Sweden .
13 First we may consider the phrase : ( 25 ) acrobatic performance In the light of the discussion above we may remark that this can be understood in either of two ways : first , as covering any performance which is so described because it is linked with the idea of an acrobat in the execution of his or her professional duties ; this would include expertise in juggling , tightrope walking , standing on one 's hands , and so on , even if they are performed by an amateur lacking any natural talent for the task ; second , ( 25 ) may be used to designate any performance which is acrobatic in itself , even if not part of the normal repertoire of acrobats , for instance , grabbing hold of a branch growing out from a cliff just after falling from the top .
14 As well as maintaining a good posture , women were expected to move with grace , which was the principal reason for dancing lessons A woman attempting to achieve this ideal of beauty needed to spend a great deal of money , and so labouring class women were automatically excluded , even if they were possessed of ‘ natural ’ beauty .
15 In such practices the links , for example , between food rioting for " just prices " and persisting in lighting bonfires in public places on 5 November even if they were regarded as " nuisances " by authorities , are evident .
16 But the nomadic lifestyle of the travellers means that even if they were recognised by law , it would be difficult to provide sites for them ;
17 Since restrictive practices legislation was first introduced , almost 5000 agreements have been registered , the vast majority of which were abandoned even before they were taken to the Court .
18 But the adults seem to be able to seek out their favourite plants even when they 're kept in the greenhouse ( or in my bathroom ) .
19 However , the sequence of somite formation and what they will form seems to be programmed early in development long before the somites themselves appear and provides a good example of how , once the programme is specified , the cells follow it even when they are placed in abnormal relationships .
20 For instance , all verbs agree with their subjects in gender and number , which means that links between the two are clear even when they are separated by a number of embedded clauses with their own subjects and verbs .
21 It is a great tragedy that there are types of pain which fail to respond to narcotics even when they are given in large repeated doses .
22 Even when they are provided for it usually amounts to their being dumped on the few professionals from black and ethnic groups .
23 But even when they are judged by the same criteria , the evidence does not support the contention that private institutions perform better ( Goodsell 1983 , pp. 48–55 ) .
24 The medical profession found his theories very difficult to shake off , even when they were demonstrated to be manifestly false .
25 Kings ’ wives were more privileged — even when they were accused of witchcraft .
26 Though Churchill frequently spoke ( from 1944 ) in alarming terms of Soviet ambition and conduct , neither his government nor its Labour successor despaired immediately of finding some way to co-exist with the USSR — even when they were confronted by its increasingly heavy-handed and ruthless behaviour in Eastern Europe .
27 He hastened to repeat Cato 's jokes even when they were directed against the Greeks — and indeed against Polybius himself ( 31.25.5 ; 35.6 ; 36.14 ; 39.1 ) .
28 A creature of the planning system even though they are designated by the Countryside Commission .
29 Thus , intertidal zones and estuaries in particular tend to be extremely rich , even though they are battered by waves or scarified by rapid waters , are sometimes dry and sometimes wet , and pose all kinds of chemical problems as the salinity may swing from fresh to super-saturated .
30 Eyes closed , the girls move in perfect synchronisation — even though they are said to be untrained in the intricate pattern of the dance .
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