Example sentences of "even [subord] they [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 But with personal contact through the old jobbing system on the floor of the Stock Exchange , experienced people could see Old Joe coming and knew what to expect — even if they might sometimes join in to make a little extra money .
2 Even if they ca n't inflict any wounds they can still swamp him with weight of numbers .
3 Playtex Secrets Lycra-control underwear ( even if they ca n't make me look like Ulrika )
4 ‘ Give those out and pray that even if they ca n't speak English they can at least read it ! ’
5 They would certainly have time to get to the river Almond and cut off any interference from the garrisons there at Perth and at Scone , even if they ca n't overwhelm them .
6 Those who miss the lecture can see it later and those who attend the course in years to come can at least have the video lecture even if they ca n't have the real thing .
7 ‘ And they are — and always have been — very good to me , even if they ca n't read my mind . ’
8 You know cos at least I can still go out and visit all my family even if they ca n't come down here .
9 Some people will see these moves as a way of ‘ doing down ’ wholefood products , but I believe that those who are using natural ingredients , even if they ca n't claim the whole product is natural , will benefit by the restriction on misleading claims .
10 Most publications will give you a number to ring even if they will not give an address , and once you have spoken to the potential recipients you should have no trouble in getting addresses — and a convenient time — to deliver .
11 These cortical consequences of social evolution provide the basis for the acquisition of some sort of superego , even if they can not ensure that it is a rational , mature and adaptive one .
12 If you are moving for job reasons , the local authority or new town development corporation , even if they can not offer permanent rented accommodation , might be able to arrange short-term letting for up to a year under Schedule 3 of the Housing Act 1980 .
13 All fish can detect the presence of objects near them even if they can not see them .
14 This could apply to almost all of the play 's characters — for even if they can not live up to their ideals , at least they have some .
15 Someone with short-term memory loss lives very much in the present and is able to enjoy what they do , even if they can not recall it a few minutes later .
16 The pair want to hear from anyone who had relatives serving with the Tyneside Scottish even if they can only give the name , rank , serial number and home address .
17 After a pause for thought she told Dad that he must go and ask the Captain if he could let them have some cups and saucers and whatever else was available , even if they could not have the hall .
18 He had reasoned that , even if they could n't talk there , the morning concert might do her some good , that she had never willingly set foot out of the flat since it happened , that in any case he had a father 's responsibility towards his younger sister , and he had promised to go and hear her .
19 A message they were eager to hear , even if they could n't see .
20 Just as they loved colour , they loved oratory , even when they could not understand it : in 1901 delegates at the Free Church Council meeting in Cardiff stood up to welcome five former French priests .
21 Rather , people fear and stigmatise fairly specific things , people and conditions , even though they may admittedly know very little about them .
22 The media ( at least in those countries where media , and particularly television , play a major role ) are an important factor in upholding the patriarchal myth , even though they may subtly shift their ground here and there .
23 Task allocation also means that nurses become very familiar with doing particular procedures , even though they may not give much thought to why they are doing something .
24 Other people 's prejudices are not difficult to discern , even though they may not come right out with it .
25 The literal translation of onyxectomy , however , is simply ‘ nail-cutting-out ’ and that is what vets are doing , even though they may not like to be reminded of the fact when they record their day 's work .
26 The fact is that we give exceptional leave to remain because it would be inhumane to send some people , such as the Croatian that the hon. Member mentioned , back to their country at this time , even though they may not have made a claim of persecution .
27 Government expenditure also encourages consumption and hence economic growth even though they may also have detrimental effects if they exceed certain high levels — a claim that will be discussed in the following chapter .
28 A typical comment from teachers was that even though they may never use such a checklist again , having to use it , albeit reluctantly , this time had certainly made them ‘ think ’ .
29 Other ad hoc groups beyond the reach of the MISC series can have a considerable impact , even though they may only meet once or twice .
30 Even though they may only flower once a century , these plants are proving increasingly popular with gardeners and landscapers throughout Europe .
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