Example sentences of "even [subord] [pron] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The history of penal reform has been marked by resistance to novelty ; people need time to get used to ideas , even if they come to oppose them .
2 Her sturdy common sense , the downright attitude to life which never ceased to surprise him , the constant loving references to a papa and a mama who sounded remarkably practical themselves , even if they had spoiled their beautiful daughter , informed him that she came from a background very unlike any that Dr Neil had ever encountered .
3 Using the most fundamental measure of poverty , the " breadline " , Professor Hay has estimated that over the years 1760 to 1802 in a normal year around 10 per cent of Staffordshire families would have been unable to buy sufficient bread over the year even if they had spent their whole earnings on it .
4 Jackals and martens could hardly have lifted the latch and , even if they had found their way in , there would have been signs of a scuffle : dead chickens , scattered feathers .
5 Gorillas , dolphins and whales certainly have a reputation for being peace-loving and harmless to humans but , on the other hand , tigers and polar bears are both well known as potential man-eaters , while elephants can hardly be described as innocuous , even if they prefer to mind their own business most of the time .
6 Erm however even if they have joined they are n't actually actively erm
7 ‘ Now that I 've had the frocks made , I think I will definitely do the pantomime — even if they have to suspend me from pegs , ’ she declared .
8 Since the latter two specialists do not receive any special training in the sexually transmitted diseases , and neither will notify the cases that they see even if they manage to diagnose them , it is not surprising that chaos ensues .
9 ‘ And even if they do take my book , they do n't find nothing . ’
10 Instead , some individuals or groups in society will fail to forecast inflation correctly and so may , for example , seek money wage increases which are lower than necessary to maintain their real wages ; other individuals or groups may not have the power to gain full compensation for inflation even if they do predict it correctly .
11 But even if they do come they still wo n't find any bodies .
12 To , well to run them now , they 'll still take a week to come back , even if they do run them today ,
13 Who knows , even if they do catch me , Mr Crangle and I might get on and become good friends . ’
14 One or two of the people he spoke to found him politically fascinating , even if they did take his style of callous irony with no irony of their own .
15 How often do you dump a file on someone 's desk with a Post-it note on it saying ‘ do this ’ and get it back — okay — competently done but with no knowledge how it might have disrupted that person 's other work or even if they liked doing it enough to want to do more ?
16 ‘ Mother Machree ’ and even if everyone hated to admit it to his face , Father Mooney sang it well , considering he was a man that had no formal training at Ingham 's .
17 Even if somebody had picked it up , maybe they had done so by mistake .
18 Although I was still barely into my teens when I was spending this time with Maureen tending sick birds , I learned a lot about general care and identification — even if we failed to spot our Russian defector .
19 ‘ And Robina would not take a taxi , even if we had seen one . ’
20 But even if we 've known him for many years , if we 're committed Christians , if we 've been followers of Jesus , there are occasions , there are times in our life when there is turmoil and there is unrest and if we allow him to se , to take control he is able to bring peace .
21 also see that sometimes , even if we wanted to help them
22 Despite modern central heating systems , which heat our homes from cellar to attic , nothing can quite replace that warm glow — even if we have to recreate it with ceramic ‘ coals ’ and gas-fired flames …
23 Even if we have to drag him kicking and screaming before the Lord .
24 Our ability to ‘ read ’ objects for their social appropriateness and to impose upon any series or new forms that order which would make them culturally acceptable does not in any respect lessen the place of strategy , or the possibility of intent ; both , however , are accomplished within objective conditions of which we have an underlying experience , even if we choose to deny them in formulating strategy .
25 Even if someone wanted to have their dog put down they could have applied for financial help . ’
26 I do n't think they 'd have been impressed even if he 'd told them
27 I firmly told him that if he ever came near me again , I would fight back for all I was worth and , even if he managed to beat me every time , sooner or later I would get lucky and hurt him .
28 In the Psalms of David Smart had his pattern laid out for him , even if he chose to embroider it a little .
29 Even if he had desired it , he could scarcely have done more to ensure that the Khans would support Nogai 's will . ’
30 It has often been pointed out that even if he had written nothing before this stage he would still be regarded as an important poet .
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