Example sentences of "even [subord] [noun] [verb] [vb pp] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The Court of Appeal confirmed that the defence of provocation was unavailable ; even if D had lost his self-control at the time , it was hardly a sudden and temporary response to an act of the deceased , who was asleep when D struck him .
2 Even if Catholicism had lost its grip on middle-class intellectuals like himself , and on the majority of urban and rural working-class Spaniards , Azaña 's statement reflected a serious — and dangerous — misreading of the situation throughout much of provincial and particularly rural Spain , where religious devotion remained strong and the Church itself popular .
3 Even if it 's even if people had sold their houses to the local council .
4 Even when Emma had gone her appetite had not slackened .
5 Celia served the cold cucumber soup hot , and burnt the steak even though Christina had told her numerous times that Stephen liked his steak rare .
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