Example sentences of "even [conj] it is [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Some shielding from sum , wind and rain should be provided even if it is just a capping to the board , and the whole fixed on some sheltered wall .
2 The first four months of 1993 could be a tricky time for family relationships and an acrimonious parting of the ways can not be ruled out — even if it is just a temporary estrangement .
3 You can find other good things too , even if it is only a matter of degrees .
4 And the amount the tip is moved reveals the height of the protuberance , even if it is only a single atom high .
5 Liam Brady and his players certainly deserve something from the season , even if it is only a back door into Europe .
6 Give the other person something , even if it is only a name card , or piece of paper with notes on it .
7 This will make you look shifty even if it is only a result of nerves .
8 If you are disabled in any way ( even if it is only a minor disability it could become worse as you grow older ) then you must view a flat from the point of view of your ease of movement .
9 Moreover , when you have a pet , even if it is only a goldfish , it means that you never come home to an empty house .
10 THE parents of missing Nicola Payne begged yesterday for news about their daughter — even if it is only a clue to where her body is buried .
11 Every time the series is shown in Nicaragua , Zimbabwe , Iceland or wherever , I 'm sent something even if it is only a few shillings .
12 Every advertisement has to appear in some advertising medium or other , even if it is only a roadside sign or a newsagent 's window .
13 Think of yourself as an expert witness while you are writing your report , even if it is only a lab. report .
14 Most people will offer something even if it is only a few per cent for cash on delivery .
15 A dancer coming forwards can convey a variety of meaning : giving a greeting ; asking a question , even if it is only an inquisitive movement of the head ; saying Yes , or agreeing with a nod or with a particular wave of the hand ; giving something with arms circling outwards , e.g. Natalia and the Tutor when they open their arms to each other ; or merely proffering a hand at the beginning of a dance , e.g. Paris offering his hand to Juliet .
16 If you are in an agency without someone trying to sell you something , even if it is only an old joke or a cup of coffee , within five minutes , you should be suspicious .
17 So if the kitchen is large enough to take any sort of eating surface — even if it is only an extension of a counter top to make a breakfast and supper bar , this is obviously a bonus .
18 This does not mean that democracy is conceived only as the political form assumed by the rule of the bourgeoisie , even though it is historically an achievement of the bourgeoisie , a real advance upon the preceding forms of government and a ‘ progressive ’ feature of capitalism .
19 He says he remembers watering his horse , and even though it is only a trough , it 's important to the town .
20 Later the Danish astronomer J. L. E. Dreyer compiled a more extensive catalogue , still known as the NGC or New General Catalogue even though it is now a century old .
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