Example sentences of "years [adv] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The ship seemed a million light years away as she tilted her head back , letting the liquid slide coolly down her throat .
2 I learned that , like Jane Austen , she was an ASROG ( Abbey School Reading Old Girl ) , though it was not until years later that she sent me these scraps from a diary kept during her schooldays .
3 Dissenting minorities were driven out by religious difficulties : Roger Williams left Boston within a year of arriving , though it was not until five years later that he made his way south through the dense woodlands to Rhode Island to launch the first settlement based on principles of religious toleration in 1636 .
4 When my cousin , who was to be in the locality ( one did not ask why at that time , and it was only after we were both freed of our vows of secrecy more than thirty years later that he told me he had been at Bletchley Park itself ) suggested coming to visit me , Mrs Sugden had no doubt but that this was my ‘ gentleman friend ’ .
5 And it , it was n't until many years later that I told anyone at all that 's , that 's the thing I was saying about bulimia , it 's very secret .
6 It was n't till years later that I realised they had n't even remembered to ask if f was a lesbian .
7 It was years later that I realised I really would have to tackle it , but I found it was much easier than I had expected .
8 It was n't until I had to have a full medical two years later that I found I 'd got hookworm .
9 The total cost of the expedition had come to roughly £2,00 — half of which Gould was to recoup less than seven years later when he sold his collection of Australian birds for £1,000 .
10 ‘ There 's nothing glamorous about war , ’ he 'd tell the boys years later when he found them watching yet another Great American War Movie on the TV .
11 That was the last , as I thought , of my Criterion obituary ; but because of some slightly disparaging remarks I made in it of Montgomery Belgion , a Criterion contributor , I incurred the bitter enmity of that enigmatic figure , which exploded years later when he reviewed my book on Simone Weil .
12 Later in that passage he wrote : ‘ It was n't until thirty years later when I saw her in another woman [ Elizabeth Taylor ] that I realised I had been searching for her all my life . ’
13 It is nearly two years now since we published our report on unemployment in West Belfast .
14 erm sort of , at fir , you know , at first I thought sometimes you know oh , you know what 's the matter with you like but , she admits herself , her I Q , you know how they judge your intelligence has gone right down , she has to have tests every now and again , er she ca n't concentrate on things , or , you know some things she just ca n't do any more , so she 's at , supposed to be getting all this compensation and it 's been going on now , it was two years ago , three years ago that we met them and she 's only just had the first part of her money , she 's had five thousand pounds , that 's all she can get for the time being all the rest is , cos all solicitors and everything and doctors having to come and check things , so she knows , she knows she 'll get money eventually , but er , it 's just when , but is n't it an awful thing ?
15 My dear mother 's statement years ago that I deprived her of her fur coat and that I was n't much to look at — she once actually pronounced me ugly — bit deep .
16 Saying er , I was telling it the other day , she said you could spend all that money on and she said , we went to see this horse , it was years ago before they got their own , she said the horse had just had its foal and it was like he 'd spent a thousand pound on the , the actual stallion yeah and it come out
17 Sarah spent weeks with him two years ago after he broke his arm in a polo accident , treating him daily at Highgrove , Balmoral and Baroness de Waldner 's home .
18 A few years ago if yu said yu were Green
19 ‘ Two years ago if you said you liked Mick Jagger it would be the end of your career , but now it 's suddenly cool to like them , ’ says vocalist Simon .
20 JACK CHARLTON ( Leeds and England 1952–72 ) : ‘ I think he summed it up for me a couple of years ago when they questioned him being an Englishman in charge of the Irish team .
21 The money should have been there four-and-a-half years ago when we needed it most .
22 Tralbaut mentions an old woman who knew Vincent well , and who told him , many years ago when he began his researches , ‘ There are n't men like that nowadays . ’
23 Michele Bou , 40 , who moved to Sorn Green , Glenrothes , about ten years ago when he married his Fife-born wife , Theresa , was flown by RAF helicopter to the neurological unit at Glasgow 's Southern General Hospital from Belford Hospital in Fort William on Sunday suffering from head injuries .
24 Thing is I did n't like to ask her about her mum because er , did n't think she , she was very quite bad a few years ago when I knew her .
25 Do you think things are better now than they were five years ago when you started your help line ?
26 Erm , you know she had this cancer seven years ago when she had her breast cancer and , had her breast taken off they 've now found it 's gone further in seven years she , you know , she was
27 He was delivered in a birthing pool five years ago and it convinced his mother in favour of a repeat experience .
28 Well I went to Venice er some years ago and I thought it was a dirty hole .
29 Well I used the word to mo er in a report I was writing years ago it was ten years ago and I knew what I meant but I had n't sat down and defined what I meant , perhaps I should have done .
30 My husband died 11 years ago and I built my world around Louis .
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