Example sentences of "after [v-ing] a [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Reed has signed up for a further period of seven years to publish the back list of John Steinbeck , after submitting a lavish brochure of marketing plans to the estate .
2 After eating a small square of chocolate he became very aggressive and rushed around the house frantically banging doors and kicking furniture .
3 Sarah secured her post at Devons School immediately after completing a four-year Bachelor of Education degree at Bath College of Higher Education where she specialised in four to eight-year-olds .
4 Trade unions , on the other hand , after enjoying a brief period of vigorous growth in the immediate aftermath of their legalization in 1906 , were subjected to a variety of restrictions and reduced to a skeletal and precarious existence .
5 Then later , as his speed and timing improve and after gaining a certain amount of success over his own ranks , he can go a step higher and spar with a student with more experience than himself .
6 You discover a long lost pocket of goodness in your soul and end up with a sore neck after adopting a passable imitation of a toy dog on the back shelf of a car .
7 Caesar 's forces , after defeating a large force of British , advanced to the Medway .
8 THE security forces have smashed a daring IRA bomb distribution network after uncovering a huge amount of fertiliser — suitable for making explosives — near the scene of the latest UFF murder .
9 ANGLERS are celebrating after landing a huge catch of fish which has ensured their club 's survival .
10 At present , interest on deposits is paid after deducting a fixed rate of tax , which can not be reclaimed by non-taxpayers .
11 Abe 's death was also a blow for the ambitions of other Recruit-tainted veteran LDP leaders , including former Prime Ministers Takeshita and Yasuhiro Nakasone ( the latter having recently rejoined the LDP after serving a two-year period of atonement outside the party ) .
12 Li Jinjin , the union 's legal adviser , was also released after serving a similar term of imprisonment without trial .
13 After providing a brief overview of the chronology of urban unrest during the 1980s , the chapter concentrates on two main themes .
14 In contrast , no government has sought to remain in office after losing a parliamentary vote of confidence .
15 CAIRN ENERGY , the Edinburgh oil and gas exploration and production company , achieved a big turnround last year by returning to profits , after suffering a huge loss of £27.6 million in 1991 , caused by exceptional write-downs .
16 ‘ How is Uncle George ? ’ she asked , after having a deep draught of the hot liquid .
17 As the Frenchmen left their hiding place to head down to the shore they ran into several German patrols and , after giving a good account of themselves , were captured when they ran out of ammunition .
18 After giving a short overview of the history of the line he showed us a selection of slides covering various aspects of the line .
19 After examining a large number of hydrophilids infected with Laboulbeniales , H. W. Scheloske of Erlangen University surmised that many of these ‘ claw forms ’ actually represent abnormally developed individuals of species that produce a different ‘ growth form ’ in other places on the insect 's body ; perhaps the tarsal claws of these beetles offer less than ideal conditions for vigorous growth .
20 The test which best discriminated between the effects of left and right sided electro-convulsive therapy ( ECT ) after two treatments to each side was naming of objects after hearing a verbal description of them given by the examiner seven minutes after shock administration .
21 After hearing a terrible denunciation of practices in which he had willingly taken part in the past , we might have expected that he would have wished to have further clarifications before he left Rome , or that some plan of action would have been agreed .
22 Angry now , Coleman travelled alone to Chicago on 21 June and , unrepresented , pleaded not guilty to the charge before Chief Judge James B. Moran after waiving a formal reading of the indictment .
23 Thus , while Korea found that inflows rapidly increased after their liberalisations in 1981–2 , Pakistan found a decline in investor interest after introducing a new policy of welcome in 1984 .
24 Williamson 's advice to the organizational designer is to operate in a discriminating way , that is only after making a comparative assessment of the costs of using one organizational form rather than another .
25 But he failed to follow up quickly enough after delivering a thumping right of his own in round four .
26 NISW initially saw the need after receiving a large number of requests for information and assistance from home and abroad .
27 Police are questioning at least three people after discovering a huge cache of semtex in a tea chest in East London .
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