Example sentences of "way [pers pn] could [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd dearly love to go back to my real home , but er unfortunately there 's no way I could pay the mortgage on it .
2 For me , not having one was strangely liberating and concentrating : there was no way I could postpone the moment .
3 However , on the last service I had to check the tappets — after removing the rocker cover the only way I could turn the engine over was to put the car in gear and push it backwards .
4 The important thing is not to panic or become impatient because that way you could damage the document .
5 There was no way you could add a word of dialogue , because it was all a series of interlacing farces .
6 There must be some way she could make an approach without incurring too great a risk of rejection .
7 She did n't have to like it , any more than she had to like being Vanessa Vail , but there was no way she could evade the responsibility without racking up a seed of guilt that would sprout and eat at her Dreams .
8 There was no way she could ignore the appeal of that .
9 ‘ Where are you taking me ? ’ she demanded , wishing there was some way she could force an answer out of him .
10 There was no way she could work the boat unaided , back through all those locks , to the original moorings .
11 Finally it was suggested that if her father continued to be unkind or unpleasant , the only way she could increase the level of care she provided would be to move away from her family and live with him .
12 ‘ We knew , just by looking at it , there was no way we could do the scene exactly as it was written , so we compromised .
13 Demand for steel had slumped throughout Europe and there was no way we could sustain the industry at its existing size .
14 At last he said slowly , ‘ Maybe there is one way we could use a Titan .
15 The council told us the only way we could get a home was if we were living together .
16 The only way we could get the equity .
17 There 's a way we could hit a lot of them , especially that one .
18 That way they could minimise the extent of their killings , particularly those on invasion day and the month afterwards .
19 As for the name , Sam wanted her to be called the Martha and Harry the Bridget , and the only way they could resolve the question was to name her after their favourite place of refreshment , instead .
20 It was very useful for people , because it was the only way they could get the bit of money on a Monday .
21 At least this way they could keep an eye on the supply source .
22 Thus no matter what the biologically based aptitudes and capacities of an untouchable , there was no way they could become a Brahmin .
23 Nothing captures this profound relationship like Leonard 's poem , ‘ Last Dance At The Four Penny ’ ( The Spice-Box Of Earth , pp 73 ) , which perfectly catches the way they could cock a snook at the establishment , scholarly and religious :
24 He felt he had done it absolutely as best he could and there was no way he could repeat the emotion .
25 I also admired the way he could peel an apple with the skin in one piece , coiled like a spring .
26 The Italian interior minister had already stipulated that this was the only way he could guarantee the security of the World Cup .
27 The Italian interior minister had already stipulated that this was the only way he could guarantee the security of the World Cup .
28 Two , he could go along with Marler , pretend to accept him at face value , and this way he could keep an eye on him .
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