Example sentences of "way [prep] look at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , it suggests a way of looking at the relationship between science and technology which focuses not on the subject matter of the different disciplines , but rather the stance towards it and use made of it .
2 A useful way of looking at the development of groups was made by B. Tuckman in 1965 .
3 For the most part it consists of a series of simple techniques combined with a new way of looking at the subject .
4 ( Another implication of this way of looking at the origin of moral talk is that the child will learn her primary duties in familial contacts with her parents , close friends , relations , and the family pets .
5 This seems a more satisfactory way of looking at the possibility that a society may be an organic unity than Moore 's principles allow .
6 However , there is another way of looking at the phenomenon of life , and that is in terms of consciousness .
7 Such brief ‘ thumb-nail ’ sketches do give some indication of the essence of sociology , but ultimately it is both necessary and perhaps more fruitful to emphasise that the most important and distinctive feature of sociology is not so much what is studied but how it is studied , i.e. it is important to indicate what is the particular perspective of sociology , its distinct way of looking at the individual and society .
8 In a volume commemorating Darwin 's death , I have tried to show how his way of looking at the behaviour of individual plants in nature can be extended .
9 In a sense the breakdown of a problem is always based on the old way of looking at the problem .
10 Points 6 and 7 advocate what is regarded by many as an opposite way of looking at the purpose of RE .
11 Another way of looking at the variation found in the Caribbean is in terms of code switching .
12 But modern westerners ( and those inspired by European culture ) combine this way of looking at the world with advanced technology , enabling them to make huge changes , quickly .
13 Rene/ Descartes , the I7th century French philosopher , gave the world the expression Cogito , ergo sum ( I think therefore I am ) and endowed the French with an invincible confidence in they very own way of looking at the world .
14 The end product of psychedelia was not a new way of looking at the world and a liberation of the mind , but rather a lot of shit concept albums in the 1970s and an inaccurate belief on the part of pop stars that they were somehow important .
15 In other words , I was trying to establish whether religion had been important enough in the interviewees ' childhood ( at least , as it was now remembered ) for it to be mentioned , without any prompting on my part ; and then , I would try not to prejudge what the interviewees thought was involved in religion , but let them decide what aspect would come out ‘ naturally ’ — whether they would talk about the institutionalised churches , private prayer , a personal relationship with God , a way of looking at the world or the ultimate meaning of their existence .
16 Capra ( 1979 ) , himself a physicist , has argued that most physicists , despite the discoveries of twentieth-century physics , are trapped in a pre-twentieth-century way of looking at the world .
17 So , if this way of looking at the world is what starts up that vital fire in your imagination , then you would do well to take Watson 's top and have as your hero someone imbued with plenty of ordinary commonsense .
18 There is the sense here that reason is more than the sum of its parts , and that the serious pursuit of truth can , over time , generate a way of looking at the world and an approach to forming judgements on it that stands over and above any particular truths that may be assimilated on the way .
19 But such is the skill of the production that in the end you just suspend disbelief , accept that you are absorbing a different way of looking at the world and take whatever comes .
20 The High Court of the Trust Territory rejected this excessively formalistic way of looking at the agreement and preferred to examine the underlying concepts .
21 Whatever the merits of such an exact parallel between the chakras of the human body and the landscape , this way of looking at the countryside seems to enable certain insights into subtle geography to be obtained that might otherwise be missed .
22 The second way of looking at the distribution of coin hoards is to plot their geographical positions on a map .
23 Talk of ‘ processes ’ and ‘ states ’ commits us to an inappropriate way of looking at the matter — as though the only difference between understanding understanding and understanding sweating is that in the case of understanding understanding our gaze is directed inwards .
24 Another way of looking at the usefulness of tests is to evaluate the productivity of employees selected on the basis of a test , as compared with those applicants that would have been selected without the test , ( 1950 ) first demonstrated that the expected increase in output is directly proportional to the validity of a test .
25 A rather different way of looking at the term high church , I think .
26 Such descriptions may have truth in them , but I think there is yet another way of looking at the situation .
27 What 's another way of looking at the situation ?
28 Many scientists saw at once its far-reaching implications and a whole spate of major papers were published in 1967 and 1968 , which quite suddenly added up together to make a completely new way of looking at the Earth 's main working parts : Plate Tectonics .
29 In this way of looking at the economy , wages seem to be determined by forces as inevitable as mathematics , and if wages were low this was no doubt unfortunate , but there was nothing anybody could do about it , any more than it would be possible to change the laws of gravity .
30 Another way of looking at the process is to regard the member of the pair of particles that falls into the black hole — ; the antiparticle , say — as being really a particle that is traveling backward in time Thus , the antiparticle falling into the black hole can be regarded as a particle coming out of the black hole but traveling backward in time .
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