Example sentences of "how he [verb] [adv] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As he preceded what he now thought of as a mythical being down to the canteen , he thought about how he 'd once found the sight of Zambia 's adjustments repulsive and unnatural .
2 He told them about Marylebone , the night at the hotel , the terms Zack had laid down for the rendezvous , and how he had just made the deadline .
3 He delighted his acolytes with tales about his time in the Army and how he had once lost an entire platoon .
4 I went back to the Maggot 's foul house , where he kept his killer dog and astonishing collection of guns , and we sat on his makeshift verandah that overlooked a noxious and polluted creek and shared a few whiskies as he told me an incredibly tedious tale of how he had once sacked the quarterback of the San Francisco Sugar Plums .
5 To most Englishmen such a conjunction will be unbelievable ; but , on returning to England , he may find himself wondering how he has finally accepted the Spanish view .
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