Example sentences of "how they should be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This will be the third in a series of five speeches by Mr Lang setting out his personal views on specific areas of policy and how they should be developed during the course of this Parliament .
2 Yes , Chairman , can I say that erm , when the b the budget 's in the process of formulation and we 're discussing the question of balances and reserves and how they should be marked for the immediate future , particularly in regard to the way that er , reorganization may take place at police authorities in the very near future , and also those of us who are on this , on , on other committees who 've had experience in , and the same sort of thing happening in further education for instance , where immediately the assets , before even the regulations were put on the table , the assets of all these things were , all these er , erm , coll the further education colleges were frozen so we could n't do anything with them at all as an Authority , and er , actually many of them were taken from us without er , without any question at all .
3 Mr Justice Latham adjourned sentence on Allitt until May 28 , saying it was vital the public heard in court from the Regional Health Authority and the Department of Health ‘ what consideration has been , is being and will be given to determine what these lessons should be and how they should be put into effect . ’
4 I have spoken Joe , and I sent a memo to a copy to Martin er , suggesting where these should be placed and how they should be dealt with .
5 ( e ) Examples Set out below are various categories of conveyance/transfers and how they should be dealt with for stamp duty purposes : ( i ) Conveyance or transfer pursuant to court order — no monetary consideration ( Eg Precedents 1 , 2 , 7 , 8 , 15 and 16 ) Provided this contains the following certificate ( it is suggested as part of the instrument ) no stamp duty is payable .
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