Example sentences of "how [det] [noun sg] [pron] can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So if you think of pipe as how much water it can conduct .
2 School governors in future will decide how much space they can afford to set aside to teach new generations of schoolchildren .
3 Er if I remember erm so erm , that gives you a indication of how much space you can provide , erm we 've also got some called expanded memory , expanded memory an I 'll be explaining the difference between the two .
4 American Express and Diners Club ( sometimes called ‘ travel and entertainment ’ cards ) an chiefly different in that you have to pay what you owe in full each month , and no formal limit is set on how much credit you can get .
5 And we 're gon na throw you out and then see how much money we can get for you ?
6 It 's hard to decide what you can do if you do n't know how much money you can get , and it 's hard to decide what something will cost if you have n't a clear idea of what you want to do .
7 Rob , you must have noticed — Luke and I simply do n't get along together , and there 's a limit to how much friction one can stand . ’
8 ‘ What people do n't realise is how much distress it can cause when a horse is taken how much they become part of the family . ’
9 You can tell the Volunteer Co-ordinator or a specific charity exactly how much time you can give them .
10 When intervening in this way with a small group working on their own in the play corner you 'll need to think through how much time you can afford to give them .
11 But I 've also laid down strict guidelines on how much time he can spend at the screen .
12 There is a limit to how much business you can do by remote control .
13 Tantrums are also a way for children to test out boundaries : at the age of two or three , they are finding out just how far they can go with their parents , and how much control they can gain .
14 And even more difficult in an audition situation where they are looking at your height , weight and how much stage you can fill by your very presence .
15 It is our decision , how much quality we can afford .
16 He has , therefore , to know in his own mind how much power he can harness into a technique and what he is capable of .
17 It 's knowing how much information you can supply and how much you keep out is n't it ?
18 You will be surprised at how much improvement you can find in your technique of sitting examinations from one week to another .
19 Those who could use the results of research also face the problem of deciding how much confidence they can place in a study .
20 It 's er it never was away , I 'm it 's a good indicator as to when , how much pressure I can take .
21 It 's also why you should beware of any diet that sells itself on how much weight you can lose in a week — anyone can do that .
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