Example sentences of "how [adv] [adj] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It is sad in several ways , not just because it springs from genuine human grief but because poor Uncle Ted , no matter how theologically illiterate he may have been , deserves better .
2 All the counterarguments flitted through his mind — the law of price and the business of supply and demand again — and he saw how impossibly incongruous they would sound in these circumstances .
3 As one who grew up in the Dark Ages and is , as a result , spiritually stunted and psychologically scarred , I regularly find myself cringing at the sight of moaning footballers and speculating , in a twisted fashion , on how much better they might play if all the energy spent on operating the jaws were to be concentrated on getting on with the game .
4 You 'll be amazed how much better it will make your garden look .
5 It must have been seventy below zero outside ; Jezrael wondered how much worse it would have been if Mars were at aphelion .
6 Mr Peter Hamlyn , consultant neurosurgeon , at St Bartholomew 's Hospital , which treated 47 casualties , said : ‘ It 's difficult to think how much worse it could have been .
7 … most of the theft-murders that have resulted in capital convictions since the Act have been committed by stupid persons , who had not the sense to see how easily they could be caught , and how much safer it would have been to do the job in a different way .
8 Because there are no reliable estimates for the abundance of any of the small cetacean species exploited in Peru , the impact on the dolphin and porpoise populations in the area , or how much longer they can withstand the pressure , can not be assessed .
9 There is a display also of various types of mountain refuge or cabin , from which you can judge how extremely uncomfortable it must have been for those invited by Count Russell to share his quarters on his favourite mountain of Vignemale , for the so-called ‘ Russell ’ is quite the most Spartan of shelters , little more than a hollow scooped out under an overhanging rock .
10 I would personally not wish to live in a society which , no matter how secularly Utopian it may claim itself to be , kills its weakest members , namely the innocent unborn child and the old and/or terminally ill .
11 Conference , I ask you , with that response what does that hold for our social services within our communities and how hopelessly helpless we must feel that given we will certainly not ?
12 It was on these - " moderate " walks that I came to appreciate the astonishing versatility of' the Dales , how inhospitably barren they can look from the brow of one hill , then how welcomingly like the gentle South Downs from the next ; how one village , little more than a pub and a row of stone cottages , might be as gaunt and forbidding as some remote Highland hamlet , while another will be so prettified and roses-round-the-door picturesque that , but for the backcloth of soaring hills or looming crags , and the uncoursed rubble walls wending like strips of children 's Plasticine up to the horizon , it could be in Mummerset .
13 At the dinner the topic of conversation came round to a discussion of how historically interesting it would have been if people living in Saxon or medieval England had produced scale models of houses built in those days .
14 We then sprayed them with water for our picture and the instant transformation showed just how very good they 'd look in the right setting .
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