Example sentences of "her [adv prt] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Had he really only taken her on because he fancied her and thought she 'd never be a threat to his position ?
2 Her only consciousness was of the pulsing energy washing over her , picking her up , carrying her along whether she willed it or not , his body pulsing against her own with its blatant male need , and she felt helpless against it .
3 But Carmen , 40 , turned her down because she felt she already had too many children on her books .
4 When she tackled him in the wood , he produced the gun to frighten her off but she wrested it from him and shot him .
5 Ace had stopped running , and now walked towards the hoverspeeder very slowly , as if waiting for Defries to catch her up before she reached it .
6 He was beside her holding her up but she pushed him away .
7 ‘ I take her up and they allow me to sign .
8 I phoned her up and she said they 'd started decorating lifting the tiles off on the kitchen wall .
9 Then we got her up and she said I 'm going to be sick so I said do n't worry about it .
10 So she said they 've rang her back cos you know I think she 's going there again .
11 And I 'm glad ; it gets her out and she enjoys it .
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