Example sentences of "her [coord] [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He slipped his arm around her and they walked through the park to sit on a secluded seat there .
2 Jasper neatly took the packet from her and it disappeared into the heart pocket of his bomber jacket .
3 Mrs Knight 's neighbour joined her and he left without the drawers .
4 Ma could no longer hold her and she ran to the boy she thought of as her oldest brother , clinging to him .
5 I went to get her and she ran underneath the gap .
6 But Scathach called to her and she returned to the wall .
7 She was n't quick enough to let go and it overbalanced her and she plunged into the water next to him .
8 Her ankle gave under her and she clutched at the fridge for support .
9 A sudden wave of panic swept over her and she glanced at the others but it did n't seem as if she was going to learn anything for the moment .
10 Fred 's voice came through the headphones to her and she glanced towards the control-room , barely seeing the figures clustered behind the glass for the tears clouding her eyes .
11 At first she could meet his eyes , but what she saw confused her and she looked at the floor , colour creeping into her cheeks , reacting against the tenderness surprised in herself with a sense of shock that made her brusque and suspicious .
12 The flesh had melted from her and she stared at the wall apathetically from sunken eyes .
13 It vanished completely as Alec opened the door for her and she stood on the threshold , looking into the dark , listening to the wind whining away outside the house .
14 And that night Ruth arrives home to tell Naomi of all the wonderful things that has happened to her and she hands over the result of her day 's labour .
15 A cow lashed out at her and she slipped on the wet floor .
16 Jezrael gripped his fingers fiercely and he slid along the padded bench until he was beside her and she wept into the haven of his shoulder .
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