Example sentences of "her [adv] [conj] she [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If he did n't get this across to her properly and she chose to be obstructive she could make so many complications that the very project could be damaged .
2 She was n't aware of his putting the comb aside , only of strong hands turning her so that she lay across his knees .
3 She learned among many other things that Felicity had known Peter 's first wife quite well and admired her desperately as she struggled with her increasing disability and urged her husband to live as freely as he could .
4 The helmsman and the engineer controlled her easily and she reacted without hesitation to all commands , naturally much faster than a sailing vessel .
5 However , because I knew her at close quarters only during her maiden years and have not seen her once since she went to the West Country to become ‘ Mrs Benn ’ , you will perhaps excuse my impropriety in referring to her as I knew her , and in my mind have continued to call her throughout these years .
6 It stung her deeply and she recoiled at once .
7 My wife was of no service at all in the crisis and I could only look up at her reproachfully as she leaned against the doorpost dabbing at her eyes .
8 He turned towards a tall white door and opened it , waiting with very studied politeness for her to approach , his eyes roaming over her sardonically until she blushed to the roots of her hair .
9 Amabel smiled at her now as she sat by Gemma 's bedside tranquilly embroidering a cambric handkerchief , patient and beautiful as an angel and so terribly wronged .
10 She snuggled down and began to drift to sleep , memories of Alain holding her here as she wept on that first day , memories of him bringing her up to bed after he had kissed her in the kitchen , fluttering like moths in the light , easing her into sleep .
11 Her confidence and conviction that she was somebody special served her well when she applied for the UN job .
12 Mr Arsmtrong said : ‘ She said she thought he was going to start on her again so she went into the kitchen to get a knife and while her husband had his back turned she pushed the knife into his lower back .
13 But her heart failed her again when she looked towards the tower , and at the high princess sitting by her window , all dressed in fur and silver .
14 ‘ Would n't know her again if she walked in here right now .
15 Ariel went to her , and held her by the shoulders and raised her till her feet touched the earthen floor , then pitched her forward till she stood in her crooked hoop .
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