Example sentences of "her [conj] she [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 She was n't quick enough to let go and it overbalanced her and she plunged into the water next to him .
2 Jezrael gripped his fingers fiercely and he slid along the padded bench until he was beside her and she wept into the haven of his shoulder .
3 The silence and emptiness of the scene did not become apparent to her until she turned into the drive of the house and realized there were no other cars parked there , no gaily clad groups tripping towards the garden , no jazz band to summon them nor hired flunkeys to greet them , no pop of champagne corks nor buzz of conversation , no bunting , no balloons , no merriment of any kind .
4 You must have decided to follow her before she went into the school grounds , because otherwise you would n't have opted out of the swimming .
5 Without looking at her as she burst into the kitchen , Chrissie said , ‘ Socks ! ’
6 Her left leg almost crumpled under her as she walked into the kitchen .
7 David 's familiar deep voice called out to her as she walked into the hall and she felt herself smiling involuntarily .
8 She worked with one photographer , some of the shots he had brought back spectacular , and he was waiting for her as she walked into the office .
9 On her slender body was only the bathrobe , which fluttered out behind her as she ran into the steaming night .
10 The tantalising smell of coffee met her as she emerged into the main sitting-room , to see that the low table before one of the chesterfields now bore a white china breakfast-set complete with coffee-pot and plates containing rolls and Danish pastries , while a crystal jar containing some kind of preserve rested on yet another plate containing foil-covered squares of butter .
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