Example sentences of "her [conj] [pron] [verb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The few moments that Merrill spent in front of the mirror told her that she had made the right decision to wear the black dress which exposed one bare shoulder .
2 Whichever way , she probably had n't given it much thought at the time and it had been some time later when her mother had told her that he had left the country and gone abroad to work .
3 And though she was not surprised that , for the sake of appearances , Jake 's fiancée was to be installed in one of the guest-rooms , it did surprise her that he had chosen the rose room .
4 The young man with the terrible toothache — Harrison — had sought her out and , clumsily but resolutely , he had told her that he intended to leave the quarries , go back to his father 's farm , assess what his prospects were there and then come back and … his resolution had run out at that point but the aim was clear .
5 He found a rusty man-trap in a cupboard — an evil contraption of chains and springs and teeth — and assured her that it had taken the leg off more than one poacher in its day .
6 She was a jolly sort of girl but I do n't think our parents would have kept her if they had known the way she talked to us , and the things she told us .
7 I asked her if she had raised the question with him and she said no .
8 ‘ I asked her if she had seen the news and she said ; ‘ Yes , I did .
9 I asked her if she wanted to take the wheel .
10 ‘ He 's asking her if she has brought the need-fire and she tells him that she has .
11 Not once had he tried to take advantage of her and he 'd had the chance .
12 It boiled all around her and she struggled to keep the canoe upright , bashing against rocks , getting entangled in floating branches .
13 I watched her until she 'd unlocked the side door of the big house and turned on a light .
14 I do n't get angry with her but I do leave the room to calm down …
15 She did n't know she had it in her but she had felt the need to act .
16 Carson liked her because she seemed to display the ideal mix of warmth and distance that made a good neighbour .
17 He was sure it was her because he had smelt the peppermints .
18 He was n't asking her because he wanted to discuss the station or prolong the more general conversation they had just shared .
19 David Fairfax knelt beside her and helped her after he had got the record-player going again .
20 Rourke had made no move to contact her after she had left the office yesterday morning , and that had to mean that she had been right in her assumptions .
21 I could n't take my eyes off her as she swivelled to rinse the mud from her legs , then flexed her arms , swept back her hair to shake it , and the motion rippled through her body .
22 ‘ I imagine he was referring to the Independence Day celebrations , ’ her husband had told her as he 'd led the way into the apartment .
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