Example sentences of "how [verb] [pron] [vb infin] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 How dared he think what he did ?
2 How did he know what she was thinking ?
3 How did he know what it was carrying ?
4 Those eighty six , why did you say yes when yo when I er ho how did you interpret what I said about worrying ?
5 Right h how did you do what you did Claire ?
6 How do they know what they say is true ?
7 Yeah but if you have a secret vote how do they know what you voted for ?
8 The research aims to bring to provide answers to the question ‘ How do we imitate what we see someone else do ? ’
9 How do we compare what we 're doing on our short-term with what we said we would do on the long-term .
10 How do we breach what you do and how d' ya get there .
11 These same questions have remained close to the heart of theological debate ever since : How do we know what we know , and how can we be sure that we really know it ? and , What is the importance of the history recorded in the Bible for Christian faith ?
12 As our report indicated , besides denoting objectives , content and possible means of evaluation ( probably entitled ‘ how do we know what they have learnt ’ ) , the syllabus and materials were also to call attention to :
13 How do you arrange what you have to its best advantage ?
14 I think it 's almost like asking somebody the question how do you decide what you 're interested in , or how do you decide what 's worrying you or upsetting you , or pleasing you .
15 How do you know what it 's been like ? ’ she accused .
16 How do you know what it all means ? ’
17 How do you know what I 'd like ? ’
18 How do you know who I am , Mr Conchis ? ’
19 How do you know who I am ? ’
20 How do you develop what we call positive sum games , in theory , things which make everybody better off .
21 And not only that , but where are they coming from , and how do I signal who I am ?
22 How do I know what they 're like to live with ? ’
23 How do I know what I think till I 've heard what I 've got to say ? ’ they will ask ; and , sitting down at the keyboard , will type in a few hasty half-baked assertions , and let the program nag them into developing a coherent and well-expressed thesis .
24 E. M. Forster 's ‘ How do I know what I think till I see what I say ’ ) .
25 How do I know what you do with it ? ’
26 How do I know what you consider to be the ‘ usual , very appropriate things ’ ? ’
27 How do I know what you get up to ? ’
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