Example sentences of "her as [pron] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not that I had any doubts on the score , ’ Penry assured her as they set off towards Haverfordwest .
2 ‘ He 's a lovely little ride , that one , ’ Dennis called out to her as they rode along in the string .
3 He did n't touch her as they walked casually up the winding road to the high point .
4 Mrs Goreng walked right into the German 's trap — he 'd wanted to pay her back — when he 'd asked her as they walked down to the edge of the beach for a post-picnic swim , ‘ And are the people religious ? ’
5 His blue eyes studied her as they leant together against the french windows in the sunlight .
6 Two years later , when the scandal peaked and middle-aged mobs shouted abuse at her as she sped away in large cars , it seemed less outraged morality they were proclaiming than outrage at being left behind in the 1950s .
7 Sendei knelt down beside her as she fiddled about inside the hatch .
8 She dropped the keys into her bag and straightened up , a small cry escaping her as she walked straight into a large solid body .
9 An icy chill went through her as she looked up into his face , and she forced herself to answer calmly , ‘ What on earth are you talking about ?
10 Relief and anger swept through her as she looked up into the familiar dark , scowling face .
11 His face was non-committal , and Kate felt suddenly shy because of the wave of lust that swept over her as she looked back at his unshaven cheeks .
12 Affectionately they watched her as she ambled back to the others , kicking fallen leaves in front of her as she went .
13 She brushed past Penry , eluding the hand he put out to detain her as she ran outside to the car , deaf to his entreaties as she jumped in the car and started it up with a violent rev of the engine .
14 Suddenly she was grasped from behind and the sky swam all around her as she fell heavily to the ground , landing with Fernando half across her .
15 He rushed up to her as she got out of the Roller , took her right hand and thrust it into his beard .
16 I followed her as she waddled out of the library .
17 ‘ What in the devil 's name is that ? ’ he demanded , following her as she crossed quickly to the gate and moved out into the grounds .
18 Despair choked her as she waited tensely for him to join her .
19 He watched her as she went past at a walk , the black Labrador and he both gazing wistfully , their breath steaming in the cold February morning .
20 Pascoe watched her as she went through to the bathroom .
21 But he followed her as she went out into the street and the brown heat of the day , which steamed off the hot stone setts and fresh horse dung .
22 ‘ Your choice , ’ Liston reminded her as she stepped out into the air .
23 Alain was beside her as she stepped out into the sunlight and his hand closed around her arm .
24 Gently but firmly , careful not to wake the child , Jake took Kirsty from her as she stepped out into the corridor .
25 Beginning to spin himself , he reached for her as she whirled slowly under his crotch .
26 He stood for a moment laughing at her as she cast furiously for the vanished rabbit , and walked on , to catch her up , along the raised embankment .
27 So Caterina the next day ran into Tommaso on an errand as if by accident and muttered to him ; she was twisting her limbs and quite red with fear , but he followed her as she ducked awkwardly into the church and knelt in front of the Madonna of the Spasm in the votive chapel .
28 Pascoe watched her as she peered out at the lowlife in the streets .
29 Martin watched her as she moved quietly around the room .
30 Melissa perched on the edge of the table and watched her as she bustled about with tea-things .
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