Example sentences of "because it would [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So construed , section 9(4) would have some effect , because it would prevent a court from ordering a Crown officer or servant to give evidence of the executive branch 's current attitudes or policies , but it would be of very limited scope .
2 In order to establish the appropriate conditioned responses ( or expectancies ) during the first stage of training , the subjects would have to attend to and discriminate those features that distinguish A from C and those that distinguish B from C. Any plausible mechanism capable of allowing a subject to do this would also endow the subject with an enhanced ability to discriminate between A and B because it would involve the animal in coming to respond to the distinctive features of each of the three stimuli .
3 He accepted that the introduction of a night sleeper was something which could n't be contemplated in their present accommodation because it would involve the carer sleeping in the same room as the plaintiff .
4 About half the remainder had firm reasons for preferring cash to credit at least in this instance — because it was cheaper , or because it would avoid a chain of later bills , for example .
5 Mr Heseltine had accepted the Monopolies and Mergers Commission recommendation that the merger should not be allowed , because it would give the board more than a 50 per cent share of the market .
6 The CAJEC document , issued last November ( see ACCOUNTANCY , December 1992 , p 11 ) proposed the rotation of audit partners , not only because it would help avoid situations that could lead outsiders to question the auditor 's objectivity , but also because it would give the client the benefit of a fresh , objective scrutiny and new ideas without losing the benefit of the knowledge of the business that the audit firm had already acquired .
7 Gascoigne suspected that MacArthur wanted a peace conference to take place because it would convey the impression of activity to the Japanese but that MacArthur did not necessarily desire a treaty to emerge from it .
8 Because it would make the table bend .
9 Not just because it would ruin the trust that my relationship is built on and that I so much believe in , but because being unfaithful would require me to be the kind of woman I choose not to be .
10 One can not have a single quark on its own because it would have a color ( red , green , or blue ) .
11 She chose a dry martini because it would have an olive she could eat .
12 Geography was important because it would help the evolutionist to explain how populations were able to migrate and adapt to new locations .
13 he 's recommended to her that instead of making the third bedroom bigger , to make four bedrooms because it would increase the value of the house more .
14 but he recommended to her to actually make it into a fourth bedroom because it would increase the value of the house
15 Mike Barlow , who has a tourist business in Kyleakin , opposes the bridge because it would spoil the island 's ‘ magic ’ .
16 Many scientists also favoured the idea of pooling biotechnology patents because it would reduce the possibility of secrecy and the delay of publication .
17 Mr Charlesworth said it was important because it would provide an incentive for countries to bring their standards into line with international ones .
18 ‘ I thought it over again and I have decided there must be an announcement , because it would indicate the merits of the matter and make it perfectly clear that I was in the right . ’
19 This was rejected by the other Commonwealth countries and Britain because it would allow the USA to gain an unbeatable advantage .
20 I would think that 's out because it would destroy the value of the house er that , that has got to be sold some time .
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