Example sentences of "because it be [adv] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Because it is patently obvious that Rollins is not bullshitting or manipulating .
2 The first category of Kane 's analysis has to be called into question because it is patently obvious that black people do not share physical and physiological characteristics .
3 The implications of these findings are doubly serious because it is equally likely that the spindle-disrupting action of alcohol could occur during the first meiotic division .
4 This is because it is quite possible that the laws in both cases may be much the same .
5 There is no fun at all in repeatedly looking into bright sunlight , straining your eyes and wondering all the time what 's happening — because it is almost certain that you will be unable to see as well as you really need to .
6 In practice , the issues may never be put to the test because it is very likely that other parties would succeed in preventing referenda , but it is still enough of a departure for some evangelical DUP activists to have been initially opposed to the change .
7 All of these are difficult because it is very unlikely that you will be able to dig down to collect the rabbits that the ferrets accumulate at the dead-ends of the burrows .
8 In such cases it is easy to make a correct recovery because it is so obvious that the glider is stalled .
9 Just because it is so common that it is regarded as ‘ normal ’ to expect chronic ill health with advancing years does that mean that it is the way things have to be or , indeed , should be ?
10 In this study , sulphate reducing bacteria must have been absent , or their activities limited in the non-methanogenic samples tested , because it is highly unlikely that methanogenic bacteria will displace sulphate reducing bacteria for this mutual growth substrate given an adequate supply of electron acceptor ( sulphate ) .
11 The public-interest objective is harder to reject , because it is eminently reasonable that public policy should be concerned with more than just economic efficiency , though it clearly generates considerable uncertainty for firms about what they may and may not do .
12 I would , myself , be very keen to look at the possibility of such machines perhaps even going to third world countries , because it 's even arguable that the place for such intelligence systems is not to replace expert medical people in this country where we have such people , but to export them to developing countries which do n't have such people , and one could imagine , perhaps , a system of erm paramedical orderlies , who had some sort of medical knowledge and manipulative skill , taking a small expert computer in a shoe box — it would be no bigger — to villages and getting diagnoses of patient illnesses there on the spot .
13 All she wanted to do now was get out of here because it was pretty obvious that this woman had known Felipe when he was enjoying himself on the coast and there was definitely something between them .
14 His sabre , unfortunately , was on the other side of the sepoy ( it was a good thing he had not noticed it because it was so sharp that he would have been able to slice Fleury in two without even pressing ) .
15 It was only because it was so rare that Stair ever troubled with him at all these days that Neil felt compelled to go along with him , willy-nilly .
16 Funnily enough , we had just as much peril when the thaw came , because it was so rapid that it caused flooding .
17 And Grainne smiled briefly , because it was certainly possible that these thoughts were flowing outwards and being absorbed by the ancient stones .
18 Because it was certainly true that Laura Wyndham had been incredibly kind and generous to her , and to many of their less fortunate friends .
19 ‘ Yes of course , ’ said Taliesin , his eyes going also to the motionless figure , because it was certainly unthinkable that they should leave Fergus like this , in the middle of a dark old mansion at the heart of an ancient forest .
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