Example sentences of "one [Wh pn] [verb] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Anselm sought papal advice with the ardour of one who desired to obey a father , but his knowledge of papal decisions and of the development of papal policy could scarcely have been more meagre .
2 Earlier we might have said his conduct and manner of speech were appropriate for one who wished to renounce the status he had stolen , and show his recognition of Esau 's authority as the elder son .
3 Since they 'd met he was the one who had been in charge , the one who had called the tune .
4 He called for new legislation to allow him to appoint a new justice in addition to each one who had reached the age of 70 ( up to a limit of six new justices ) .
5 But what of the other , that one who had planned the death ?
6 About the same time , and rather surprisingly for a Tory committed to the old East India Company and one who had lost the remittance contract to the newly founded Bank of England , Herne also joined the so-called tobacco contractors .
7 One who had followed the King 's army from London to Coventry was ‘ taken by the soldiers , and first led about the city then set in a pillory , after in a cage then ducked in a river , and at last banished the city ’ .
8 But one who had given no thought to love .
9 Lawrence was elected British president , and discharged his difficult task with a calmness , courtesy , and firmness which won universal approval , even from the defendants , the soldiers among whom thought that their problems were appreciated by one who had gained the DSO as a gunner officer in World War I. Praise was also given by the British alternate judge , Sir Norman ( later first Baron ) Birkett [ q.v. ] , who was secretly resentful that he had not been chosen for the post .
10 Add to this that she was a vain woman with a streak of snobbery , but one who had made a friend of Alice Fernie ( who herself was unlikely to pick her friends haphazardly ) ; that she was a man-hunting , high-life-loving girl who had shown no desire to keep up her connection with her old stamping-grounds ; and finally , that she apparently received obscene letters with equanimity , merely folding them up and putting them away like love-letters sentimentally preserved ; add all these things together and you had a woman who was as incomprehensible as women traditionally are .
11 Apart from Benjamin and I , he was the only one who had left the manor so his cloak and boots would have been covered in snow .
12 It was the biggest of her sons speaking now , the one who had opened the door , and he said , ‘ She 's a classy piece , Ma , and she 's come with some strange news .
13 Especially when after one who had seduced a mother of three , and had got what he wanted , threatened her by blackmail of telling a brutal husband about this if she did not continue the association .
14 The fourth sister , the one who had found the child in a basket on the banks of the river , and insisted on adopting him , had married Burraburiash of Babylon and long since left the Black Land .
15 He was the one who had got the photograph that had enabled her father to do the portrait .
16 Then the guy round the corner , y'know , the one who 'd laid the gear on me , came round last month and started getting heavy about the money I owed him .
17 She was the one with the debts and money problems ; the one who 'd suggested the jeweller 's shop job .
18 It would be a brave man who would accuse Aitken of cheating on his present club to protect his first senior team , however , and a foolish one who continued to harbour the notion after watching his display of honest professionalism .
19 ‘ You 're the one who wanted to see the island . ’
20 An incompetent head is one who fails to master the task of reconciling a management plan with a financial plan , who fails to communicate and to ensure enough understanding for the financial plan with his or her teacher colleagues and who is unable to engage with governors at a level where there is both trust and understanding .
21 The literal meaning of brahmacārya is the same in both cases , but the discipline required of one who resolves to become a vānaprasthin , differs from that required of the student .
22 The bible closes there in Revelation chapter twenty two with that invitation , an invitation to a select you know , an invitation to all , there almost in the , in the last few verses , verse seventeen , the spirit and the bride say what come and let the one who hears say come and let the one who is thirsty come and let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost , the invitation is to all , so it 's quite clear that all maybe saved , but it 's equally clear , a second proposition that all will not be saved
23 I 'm the one who stands to lose the licence , pal .
24 The , that one who 's had the factory built , look at his front garden !
25 Probably the only one who 's got a member in .
26 and when when this one who 's got the market stall was pregnant
27 So obviously no one who 's got an establishment contract will be affected from the first of July , but really everyone who 's on a temporary contract , those contracts are very much in the melting pot , and we 've got a meeting on the nineteenth of May s an extra C S M T meeting , to say , right this is how much money we 've got , these are the people with temporary contracts but the third and most important factor really is this is a new assessment of the workload of every office , and whereas in the past careers officer establishment has been based exclusively on year eleven figures and other staffing has been based on pretty arbitrary factors of historical nature
28 Meanwhile , I stand here as self-confessed criminal trespasser , though one who has done no harm and will continue to show every care for this precious environment .
29 It is a dual responsibility , for the one who has caused the anger needs to show his or her commitment to putting right the anger reaction in some way .
30 ‘ I 'm the one who has to carry the guilt around .
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