Example sentences of "one [Wh pn] [modal v] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The second view is that Judas told the chief priests that Jesus had claimed to be some sort of Messiah ; perhaps one who would lead a rebellion against the Romans .
2 She seemed to accept without question that Alexandra was the one who would handle the crisis , if it was still a crisis by the time she got into the office .
3 Chris Bramwell presents a sympathetic Russian , exhorting his enthusiasm for particle physics as an artform with an appealing simplicity of one who would write a spy story without surprises .
4 I 'm the one who 'll have a row with the carpark attendant , but when it comes to a real crisis , she 's very tough .
5 In the next breath , Jesus adds further information , namely that he , Jesus , is the one who will build the church — comforting news for the church planter !
6 She could be bluffing we do n't that do we for certain erm yes we have got one who will accept the salary yes we could take one from outside the field that 's why I wanted this deadline so if we do n't get the increase in salary by this date we can then start planning and take on board the second tier level
7 And he is the one , and he alone is the one who will take the initiative to call it off .
8 If nothing else you feel for a man blighted by an absurdly exalted image — and one who can make a joke out of it in the wonderful tongue-in-cheek prophecy of The End of the World that closes the album ( ‘ Nostradamus and Jesus and Buddha and me/ We said it was coming/ Now just wait and see ’ ) .
9 So few people know first aid ( for some strange reason it 's not taught in most schools ) that you may be the only one who can plug the wound and stop the bleeding .
10 He had an inkling he was the only one who could decipher the code .
11 Contemporaries saw some kind of jealousy here ; Owen was not one who could brook a rival for the position of British Cuvier .
12 The priest was the only one who could declare a person to be healed from their leprosy .
13 The till , the till locks , and erm we used to assemble those as well and er it was a fortunate one who used to do the lacquering , there was a big er big erm heated table and er it was easy work to do the lacquering you see and you used to have to put them on the top of the heated tower to dry before they were packed to go away , but erm they were , it was a hard place to work for but er the one son Mr he was always in London and er this is n't being recorded now is it , is it ?
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