Example sentences of "one [pron] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Among the former are many participles , both present and past : ( 26 ) the watching crowd started to laugh he was greeted by smiling well-wishers the injured man had been feeding the orang-utan but participles do not exhaust the possibilities : ( 27 ) the angry bartender slammed the drink down five empty tumblers were standing by his elbow Notice , too , the clear ambiguity of : ( 28 ) a flashing light as meaning either a light which is flashing on some particular occasion , or one which normally has this characteristic .
2 Nevertheless the suggestion that structuralism and poststructuralism have denied history is a persuasive one which now has wide currency .
3 RE should help pupils to appreciate that there is another language possible — one which perhaps makes more sense , but that is for each person to decide for him/herself .
4 Not bad for a graduate in literature and one who normally took evasive action at the sight of a screwdriver .
5 " He 's had a lot of trouble , " breathed Alice , on her face the look of one who compassionately contemplates human misery , absolving it from blame .
6 ‘ He was the only one who ever had any influence with Robert .
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