Example sentences of "because [pers pn] was [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The other aspect Mr Mayor that I , that I want t to dwell on is the thing about housing benefits themselves , there 's been a lot of talk by a lot of speakers about benefits and er means testing in the years gone by and well okay I 'll give councillor a few more years than I have , I do n't remember the forties because I was born towards the end of them but , y'know , maybe that happened .
2 Er but because I was born in the country , lazy I was .
3 Erm I was n't quite certain of the wife 's P H I there was something about twelve months and she was getting a hundred and thirty pounds er I , I lost it because I was looking at the clock at the same , I must confess but erm
4 Somebody must have reported the meeting , because I was summoned to the priest-administrator 's room at the palace the next day for a tongue lashing .
5 But by all means if you 've got something bring it along and that would give us a starter for five I 'm keen to see us also trying to once we 've got this going going down the S P Q road ah had lunch with the other day at I mean it was I mean she was n't meeting him necessarily wearing a B A I E hat of not um and I think she I think she touched on that though while while while they were lunching. erm I put down progress because I was thinking of the Pilgrims Progress at the time
6 I was silent too , because I was thinking about the old man .
7 The next morning I was a day older , no wiser and put in a bad mood right from the off because I was dragged from the Land of Nod kicking and screaming ( well , grunting and stumbling actually ) by the Celtic Twilight hammering on my door .
8 till we got to near the den and do that and we spent er a year and a half there and all the time we were watching this house being built , because I was working at the Corporation and the number of people of the Corporation from the tea boy cadet down came up to see this , this and that , was nobody 's business , mm , without , we enjoyed it , it was quite funny really it is
9 I 'd been to thirteen convents but I had n't really been to school properly because I was working by the time I was thirteen .
10 And we when we came of age puberty I was frightened to death me because I was sitting on the bea we were playing on the beach still a child of twelve cos we still went about with little socks on at twelve in them days .
11 Because I was going to the hospital wing I did n't get taken up until about nine o'clock , so I was the last one .
12 The next day I was told to pack my stuff up because I was going on the other side [ to another wing ] .
13 Or rather that is not , in the first instance , what I asked myself , because I was driven to the view — incorrectly — that there could be no link between the two crimes .
14 ‘ It was because I could n't stop myself , because I was driven by the need to know if what I 'd felt in Sintra had been real and still existed .
15 And nobody could get out of the cupboard , because I was standing in the doorway .
16 ‘ I was sacked because I was known to the local RUC as an ex-republican prisoner , ’ he said from Portlaoise Prison .
17 Della was happy because she was looking round the shops for Jim 's present .
18 ‘ And if he could n't make love to his wife because she was paralysed from the waist down … ’
19 Ms Foster put forward the idea of a similar investigation for plant and animal biotechnology because she was troubled by the unnecessary secrecy and seeming insensitivity of government departments to issues other than the narrow technical one of safety .
20 That feeling was strange , she resisted it , she knew that it was absurd as well as amoral , but in the end she told herself that she could not command her feelings : she was no longer able to torment herself with thoughts of their wars nor to enjoy their celebrations , because she was filled with the conviction that none of it was her concern .
21 She wanted to look good for Dane because she was responding to the age-old instinct of women everywhere who felt the need to dress up and be beautiful for their men .
22 There was no time to get you because she was making for the gate . ’
23 In his dream he felt relief because she had n't died , because it had all been some other dream , because she was smiling in the sunshine .
24 Why , because they was dyed on the wrong side .
25 It 's impossible to say which city Bashlachev belonged to because he was raised in the northern town of Cherepovets , studied at Sverdlovsk University and spent the last few years of his life wandering between Moscow , Leningrad and Siberia .
26 Harthacnut chose to remain there , presumably because he was exercised by the threat which Magnus posed to his own position , and this left Harold Harefoot , Cnut 's other son by Ælfgifu of Northampton , to dispute the English throne with his half-brother 's supporters , headed by Queen Emma and Earl Godwin .
27 Because he was clinging to the rudder , the plane slowly turned in a circle and headed back to the island .
28 Then a voice spoke , and he realised , incredulously , that Dinah Asshe was here before him , and he had not seen her because he was looking at the dog .
29 Because he was looking after the council offices .
30 He seems to have taken this view because he was perturbed about the growing power and intransigence of the Soviet Union , whose diplomats he had encountered at the foundation conference of the United Nations in San Francisco in April 1945 .
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