Example sentences of "because [prep] the [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So , if the functioning of the state and the interests of the bourgeoisie coincide , it is because of the system , not because of the participation of members of the ruling class in the state apparatus .
2 Because of the wealth of monuments in the Old Town ( Staré Město ) , this walk is divided between the area around the Charles Bridge ( Karlův Most ) and that close to the Jewish Town ( Josefov ) .
3 It was , then , peace or truce which threatened their existence , and it was because of the termination of hostilities between England and France which resulted from the treaty of Brétigny in 1360 , followed as this was in 1364 by the ending of the Navarrese challenge to the royal authority in Normandy and the war of Breton succession , that France , Italy and Spain were to be hosts to the Companies in the 1360s .
4 They had n't negotiated any furniture to get to the far side of the room and sit against the opposite wall and she had the impression , either because of that or because of the resonance of voices , that the room was empty .
5 Personal computer packages are a real boom area because of the influence of Windows , networks and the growing numbers of home computer users , according to technical director Graham Wylie .
6 Because of the flooding of mines in the Donets valley the supply of fuel to industry was reduced to a trickle , as Deutscher noted :
7 Weeping in the lavatory or bathroom is hazardous because of the chance of interruptions and many women find the setting vaguely demeaning .
8 Er but in our London office , apparently they do a lot of inheritance tax planning because of the size of estates , and they actually invite the children in , and say to the children look , you know , if erm you die , the estate will be devalued by forty thousand because of tax , er if you want to make provision the , the er the contract is still written on the erm , the erm individuals ' lives , but it can then be erm paid by the children , so your children can then pay the premiums .
9 THE Court of Appeal yesterday granted bail to a mother separated from her 13-week-old son because of the shortage of places in mother and baby units in prisons in England and Wales .
10 The work was heart-breaking because of the shortage of homes and it showed that many old people were living in distress .
11 so far this year , packed chlorine sales are running at 160% of budget and ICI Watercare have been able to supply new overseas markets which had previously been impossible because of the shortage of packages .
12 I state this only as a general and not as an invariable premise because of the possibility of cases in which the court would not authorise treatment of a distressing nature which offered only a small hope of preserving life .
13 Matters are now coming to a head because of the advent of leagues next season .
14 Although these are legitimate grounds for unease , solutions are far from straightforward because of the diversity of quangos .
15 Trade figures with the EC are delayed this year because of the removal of customs controls thanks to the single market .
16 Increasing publication delays encourage the proliferation of journal titles because of the frustration of scientists , due in some part to their increasing need to demonstrate productivity through publication in order to attract funding .
17 Increasing publication delays encourage the proliferation of journal titles because of the frustration of scientists , due in some part to their increasing need to demonstrate productivity through publication in order to attract funding .
18 Such ideal conditions contrast sharply with the actual experiences of ‘ war communism ’ : money became valueless because of the disappearance of goods , wages were replaced by rations — the rations of abject poverty not abundance — prices became imaginary because money no longer had any value , and paper money was issued by keeping the printing presses working day and night , amounting to hyper-inflation !
19 A study of a small series of sixth-century , square-headed , brooches showed how the various brooches could be placed into a sequence because of the interchange of parts of the decoration on them .
20 They also show that , for the United States , the dependency ratio actually peaked in 1960 and is now decreasing because of the return of women to the workforce .
21 Unemployment had risen partly because of the demobilization of large numbers of soldiers following the Vietnamese withdrawal from Cambodia in 1989 , and also because of the return of workers from eastern Europe .
22 It is also argued that a lender of last resort would not be needed because of the ability of banks to issue their own notes backed up by their deposit base ( Dowd 1990 ) .
23 However , David Capitanchik , an international terrorism expert , said last night that a small group of environmental activists , rather than nationalist extremists , could be responsible because of the range of institutions targeted .
24 The intermediate group lacks any strong class identity because of the range of occupations within it , and because many of its members become socially mobile and move into a different class .
25 Mr Daly said the hostel had proved to be popular because of the range of facilities offered .
26 Colonial soil conservation measures during the 1930–50 period , which involved hedge planting , contour ridging of cultivated land and gully control , proved to be ineffective because of the unpopularity of controls on stock movement and resettlement .
27 They were more likely to use paper tissues , mainly because of the convenience but often more simply because of the location of tissues in the house .
28 And because of the surfeit of accountants forced to look for work ‘ outside ’ , employers are increasingly able to offer poorer terms .
29 The gap in services has been filled by child minders who at their best can offer a high quality of care with all the advantages of a domestic setting similar to the children 's own home , but because of the lack of resources , training and support for their work are often the last resort for parents .
30 Because of the lack of predators , island animals are often extremely tame .
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