Example sentences of "because [pron] [vb mod] not [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I had for a long time being trying to find a way of showing the heat-pain argument to be invalid , because I could not accept the conclusion , that heat exists only as a sensation in the mind .
2 ‘ Well , do n't take too long , girl , because I can not bear the atmosphere in this house much longer . ’
3 ‘ I must go , clearly , because I can not defend a policy I candidly dislike , ’ he wrote on 4 November , having already told Sir Walter Monckton , the Paymaster General , on 1 November that ‘ I felt I might have to resign as I thought the policy bad and disastrous . ’
4 But , because I can not accept the idea of total predestination , it has then to be the human being who either succeeds or fails .
5 Because I can not find a fucking man .
6 POLICEWOMAN Pauline Tilley said afterwards on behalf of the grieving families : ‘ If the judge had given Gooch 100 years it would probably not be enough , because you can not bring the lives of five children back . ’
7 She had cared nothing for the man who was attacking her then ; her despair now was because she could not bear the caresses of the man whom she loved , and she knew loved her .
8 There was also the monthly parish draw — top prize , £5 — a ‘ Children 's Corner ’ ( rabbits and a cross to colour in this month ) and Peter 's ‘ Letter from the Rector ’ , which Anna had given up reading because she could not recognize the man in the message .
9 She had to be carried into Afghanistan that fateful summer because she could not face the rigours of the journey and took refuge in illness .
10 But a factory job was out because she could not stand the noise , and her preference for a more intellectual activity ‘ is rather pitiful in view of the girl 's lack of general education and the nature of her former illness ’ .
11 She could not see if the platform emptied because she could not see the platform .
12 Even if fitzAlan had not been involved , Isabel knew she would have to find another way to save her brother , because she could not deceive the anxious , sweet-faced lady who was gently explaining her new duties .
13 This may be because by now she is find the spelling test hard and is getting anxious ; or it may be because she can not make an accurate guess at the way new words are pronounced .
14 The next Labour Government will end GP fund holding , because we shall not tolerate a two-tier list system in which the length of time a patient waits depends on the size of the GP 's budget .
15 ‘ Contrary to rumours circulating in the area , the Cambrian News is not in financial difficulties , and we are simply placing the contract for printing the paper elsewhere because we can not justify an investment of around 2m ( pounds ) for new machinery to go tabloid and bring in colour , ’ said Mr Read , whose great grandfather established the company in Aberystwyth in 1890 .
16 It is necessary because we can not see the mental and the behavioural as related in a non-contingent way .
17 We can not check this independently by re-examining the original one , not because we can not re-examine the original one but because everything we can do in the way of a re-examination is just doing again what we have already done in thinking of the new sensation as relevantly similar to the old one .
18 We are quite clear , and we were clear when we conducted the talks this summer , that they were not peace talks because they would not bring an end to the violence , but were one of the pressures that can be mounted against the terrorists .
19 ‘ But I have heard in other parts of the country that people have been moved from the waiting lists because they would not get an appointment within the set time limit .
20 Mr McLevy said the workers had been locked out because they would not accept a cut of 10 per cent in their fringe benefits and a wages freeze .
21 There were also suggestions that Telefunken is already going cool on the terms of the compromise because they would not allow the West German group a large enough share of work on what is regarded as one of the key military avionics technologies .
22 There were also suggestions that Telefunken is already going cool on the terms of the compromise because they would not allow the West German group a large enough share of work on what is regarded as one of the key military avionics technologies .
23 In contrast , a small or medium-sized business will require greater competence and versatility from its top management , because they will not have the benefits of support from functional specialists which are available to the top managers of large organisations .
24 Eleven members of the Democratic Progressive party elected to the National Assembly have been barred from taking their seats because they will not take an oath of loyalty to the Republic of China ( the official name for Taiwan ) , only to the Republic of Taiwan .
25 But men have had such experiences and done nothing further about them , either because they have decided that there was less to the experience than they at first supposed , or because they could not endure the ethical and spiritual demands which were implied in the unspoken , ineffable moment of divine knowledge .
26 Many less desperate alcoholics tried AA , but did not succeed because they could not make the admission of hopelessness .
27 People who could not afford litigation ( because they could not pay the difference between their costs and the taxed costs recoverable ) or who could not afford the risk of litigation ( because costs awarded might not be recoverable or because they might lose ) might be assisted by the scheme .
28 A further six patients were withdrawn because they could not tolerate the restrictions of the regimen ( three of these were teenagers ) .
29 Those that did not survive in the market-place would close because they could not attract the revenue to survive .
30 We ought to be able to creep out easily when they 're all asleep , ’ he added and Fenella frowned at him , because they could not risk the giants guessing what they intended to do .
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