Example sentences of "because [pron] [verb] [not/n't] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then they came and said , ‘ We want to do a second album ’ , and I really did n't want to do it , because I do n't want to be the next , let's say , Joe Satriani or Eric Johnson , even though those guys are really successful in their field .
2 But it 's not that I 'm trying to distance myself because I do n't want to be linked directly with that character .
3 ‘ I 've turned down modelling offers because I do n't want to be labelled .
4 Because I do n't want to ! ’ she informed him bluntly .
5 Because I do n't want to .
6 du n no why they 've got Gary Schofield down there because I do n't think with rugby league would it ?
7 Because I do n't care for material things to the degree you do , you chose to believe it did n't matter that you grew rich on my name . ’
8 because I do n't speak to at all now and that ca n't be right and the reason I do n't is because I know the response I 'm gon na get , blank look
9 Again , I 'm speaking on America 's behalf here because I do n't live in Europe .
10 Because I do n't know off hand .
11 Which I think would be a good idea if we got it because I do n't know about you but I 'm always having arguments with people who say oh we ca n't have the whole country covered in windmills and
12 And is an allergy doctor that ever visits these places , because I do n't know about that .
13 and I thought before I go and send it back , because I do n't know of anybody
14 Because I do n't have to be loyal either . ’
15 I wo n't explain because I do n't have to .
16 ‘ That 's because I do n't belong to a union : they do n't have them in advertising , ’ he explained .
17 ‘ Perhaps because I do n't wish to be shot . ’
18 Erm I 'd like to pitch another figure into the debate , er because I do n't agree with the County Council on this either .
19 I do n't diet because I do n't believe in it .
20 ‘ I do n't mean resign because I do n't believe in God , ’ said Edward .
21 ‘ I mean resign because you wo n't let me teach biology because I do n't believe in God . ’
22 I do n't want to go to hell because I do n't believe in Jesus .
23 ‘ I think it 's a triumph for women for somebody like me to be on the cover of Playboy , because I do n't fall into the clichéd , subservient bimbo mode .
24 I think it 's a triumph for women for somebody like me to be on the cover of Playboy , because I do n't fall into the clichéd , subservient bimbo mode .
25 I do n't deny feelings of happiness just because I do n't write about them .
26 I just worry about that song because I do n't wan na be any part of kids thinking drugs are cooler than they are , 'cos they 're not for everybody .
27 ‘ I do n't believe in life after death because I do not believe in our limited concept of time . ’
28 Because I did n't feel like chatting , ’ I said in an amiable tone , ‘ I did n't feel like seeing anyone .
29 Then I knew it was because I did n't want to be loved and respected , since I do n't deserve to be .
30 I wanted no children of my own , not because I disliked them , although I did — my step-sister and brother were the only small children I had experience of and they aroused no feelings in me but exasperation and distaste — but because I did n't want to be a mother with the weight of life and death on me .
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