Example sentences of "because [pron] [verb] [noun sg] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Luckily I am able to correct these mistakes , which is just as well because we face prosecution from the Trading Standards Office after complaints about our programme for the Clansford clash .
2 She states in an initial survey of the various theories of metaphor that those of most philosophers are of little interest to her because they treat metaphor from the point of view of its semantic content , ignoring the way it functions linguistically ( 1955a:45 , 1958a:15 ) .
3 He is the poet par excellence ( and later , the singer/ songwriter par excellence ) of the two great intimacies — woman and God - because he found refuge from the One in the other ; when accidie impinged , Cupid intervened .
4 His has digested well his disappointments this summer because he draws confidence from the knowledge that he has enjoyed so many wonderful moments that he is quite capable of flowering again .
5 because it takes nitrogen from the air and puts it back into the soil
6 To some extent the spending was diversionary because it deflected attention from the cuts that were occurring in the orthodox funding mechanisms for current and capital expenditure .
7 Tait , with William Thomson , had published a Treatise on Natural Philosophy in 1867 which became a standard advanced textbook because it treated physics from the point of view of conservation of energy — fathering the doctrine , as became two Cambridge men , upon Newton : the ‘ return to Newton ’ was for them the key to modernity .
8 The group as a whole is in the black only because it has income from an American retailing chain Silo and from financial services and property deals in Britain .
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