Example sentences of "such as [art] [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is quite justifiable therefore to picture polymers as made up from stiff by flexible chains freely sliding among their neighbours and constrained only by cross-links or entanglements — unless , of course , strong lateral forces also exist , such as the hydrogen bonds in polypeptides or polyamides , which tend to hold neighbouring chains together .
2 Chief officers also liaise with other administrative units operating in the locality ( such as the field offices of central government departments along with health and water authorities ) and there are also important linkages with other councils , members of the public , and local pressure groups ( such as ratepayers ' action groups , local trade union branches , tenants ' associations ) .
3 However , the main difference between the record company 's and publishing company 's advance is that the publisher usually has no large expenses to pay such as the recording costs of an album .
4 Although it was extensively used to model figures such as the river god at Ham , most of the surviving pieces are smaller decorative items such as the pineapple finials in the south terrace at Ham and the richly ornamented urns at Killerton in Devon .
5 The aim is partly to shift perception of eighteenth-century French art away from the traditional and popular notion promoted by authors such as the Goncourt brothers towards an appreciation of other genres such as history , landscape and religious works .
6 As long as I was forced to stay awake I shrank from any stimulus to sensation ; now I relax and welcome the fading sensations until they are extinct , and for a few minutes will notice impressions of which I am normally unaware , such as the twilight images on the edge of consciousness .
7 The rooms are spacious and furnished to suit the Victorian features of the house , such as the marble fireplaces in the lounge and drawing room and heavy panelled doors .
8 He is explaining that the Christian message is no earthly wisdom , such as the travelling philosophers of the day peddled , and with which some of the Corinthians were confusing it .
9 Hypocrisy of this kind is familiar to us all , from our own practice of it and from our knowledge of it in others , whether real people or fictional characters , such as the puritan ministers in Ben Jonson 's The Alchemist .
10 Our traditional attractions include the beginnings of the white cliffs of Dover , historic monuments such as the landing places of St. Augustine and Julius Caesar , and the medieval cinque port of Sandwich , whose parliamentary representation stretches back in an unbroken line to the days of Simon de Montfort .
11 Some of these are footloose industries , such as the aluminium plants in Scotland utilizing cheap hydroelectric power , while others are based on the processing of agricultural products , including milk , meat and vegetables .
12 Although air-raid sirens were often heard in Baghdad during the months that followed , both sides ' air forces tended initially to focus on economic targets such as the oil installations in northern Iraq and the Abadan refinery .
13 The social care planning role requires workers to be familiar with the research findings which are beginning to appear not only on permanent family placement but on children coming into care , such as the cohort studies by Jean Packman ( 1984 ) , the Dartington Group and the National Children 's Bureau ; Jane Rowe 's study on long-term fostering ( 1984 ) ; and John Triseliotis and Russell 's ( 1984 ) ; on adoption and residential care .
14 He helped to frame much of the persecuting legislation of the reign , such as the Conventicle Acts of 1664 and 1670 .
15 Our lifts are overworked , and as well as being very mindful of the cost I am anxious to rectify this situation in order to keep the lifts free for more needy passengers , such as the postroom boys with trolleys , etc .
16 Friends of the Earth commissioned Dr Derek Ratcliffe , former chief scientist of the Nature Conservancy Council , to draw up a skeleton list of 112 sites which the government should designate under the directive , including internationally rare habitats such as the lowland heaths of Dorset and the Flow Country of Caithness .
17 It has been occurring for many years and has been embodied in legislation such as the Housing Acts of 1935 and 1957 , although numbers of sales have fluctuated considerably according to the political complexions of the government of the day .
18 Spalding concludes that , with few exceptions , such as the tin miners in Bolivia , labour has been coopted by these mechanisms and not proved itself to be a revolutionary force .
19 ( 7 ) the consideration of liaison between the project and other provision , such as the county courses on microcomputers .
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