Example sentences of "such an [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Carson was such an affable chap that I persuaded him to agree with me ( and Alf ) to continue along progressive lines .
2 Probably not , but it , it is , it is at such an early stage that I 'm not at all sure what advertising you say to speak , can be made of it .
3 so , erm I mean think we 're in their hands and that 's why I was a bit apprehensive about doing publicity for it at such an early stage because I like to see i 's dotted and t 's crossed er but however I 'll chase them up again in the next few days
4 Well , remember that all this equality has only been achieved in one small part of the globe , and then mainly at the expense of the rest of the globe ; and that this inequality , once such a national feature , is now such an international feature that it has led to a bitterly destructive war between rich and poor nations ; and remember that that inequality is fed by an ever-hardening racial antagonism which enlightened men regard as the tragedy of our age . )
5 Nothing in the Code seeks to prevent a suspect volunteering a statement after charge otherwise than in response to questioning , but it is presumably such an infrequent occurrence that it was not thought necessary to spell out the procedure for doing so .
6 Understandably they feel that it is such an intangible asset that it is more productive to go straight into the negotiating situation and test out the reality of bargaining power .
7 England are forced to field such an inexperienced team because none of the World Cup players or reserves is available .
8 Do they really provide such an appalling fir that they need to be replaced , at no small expense , by a more intricate system designed to provide perfect synthesis between the foot and the shoe ?
9 It was such an unanticipated shock that he froze , to cling onto this unique moment .
10 Most of them are indeed trying to pull the ‘ off with the old , on with the new ’ wife replacement technique but they are in such an emotional mess that they subconsciously drive away any woman who tries to get close to them .
11 This was such an unlooked-for success that I now only need glasses for reading .
12 People marvelled at the way Lilly Foley ran such an elegant home when she had five rugby-playing lads to deal with , and marvelled even more that she had kept the handsome John Foley at her side .
13 The spirits which are the focus of their religious concern are not regarded as being directly moralistic in such an explicit fashion as their counterparts among the Nuer .
14 Visible , painful , incurable , distasteful to others — not such an easy task as one might think , for most of the internal ailments do not measure up to these basic requirements .
15 Well a very ordinary thing has happened there , but it has happened on such an extraordinary scale that I think it 's worth saying .
16 Her brother , who will be seven years old next February , is such an extraordinary phenomenon that one is hard put to believe what one sees with one 's eyes and hears with one 's ears .
17 If the origin of life is such an improbable event that it happened on only one planet in the universe , then our planet has to be that planet .
18 The funny thing is alot of the locals shunned to use it because it was such an unusual building and they 'd got used to their habits of using deserted claypits and rainwater .
19 But if it is discovered and threatened , it twists its legs outwards and arches its back in such an extreme contortion that it suddenly and disconcertingly exposes its underside — and that is a vivid scarlet , a spectacular warning that its skin contains a burning poison .
20 This was such an important discovery that he sent his consort back to Holland to spread the good news while his ship continued alone .
21 Choosing a bed is such an important decision that you should be prepared to take your time , seek expert advice and try out as many models as possible
22 As an example , Drucker quoted the case of Crown-Zellerbach , a big West-Coast pulp and paper manufacturer , which found that long-range forest management was such an important activity that it had to be established as a separate department , because otherwise it would not be given the attention its importance warranted .
23 ‘ I remain convinced … that the House of Commons would regard a decision by your Lordships to use Hansard to construe a statute as a grave step and that the House of Commons may well regret that its views were not sought on such an important matter before your Lordships reached a decision .
24 Imogen had lived in Hampstead , and had been just such an attractive sixth-former when he had met her on a trip to the States .
25 Either way his children will be happy to live in such an attractive place when we all work from home at the end of an optical fibre .
26 The charge was such an obvious frame-up that he had to ask himself if there had ever been any intention to try him on it .
27 As she herself says : ‘ Teaching is such an obvious choice if you want to be at home most ofthe time your children are ’ .
28 And it was such an obvious explanation that she ought to have thought of it herself , but for some reason it had never for one moment crossed her mind .
29 Ferdinando came to his wife in such an open way that she was reminded of the first advances he had ever made and she was stirred in a way she believed no longer possible .
30 I kept myself to myself , which was a way to get yourself talked about in such an open community where everybody 's business was regarded as common knowledge .
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