Example sentences of "such a [noun sg] was [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 This depression , however , could not be engaged with because the belief was that to be in such a state was to be not mentally healthy .
2 The Northumbrians were instructed not to establish as king anyone who was illegitimate ( a slighting reference perhaps to Aldfrith and his descendants , or , for all that we know to the contrary , to other rulers — Aethelwald or Alhred ) nor to conspire to kill a king who was the Lord 's anointed , and any bishop or priest who was involved in such a crime was to be expelled from the Church and any layman excommunicated .
3 In fact , in our view , it would only aggravate the situation even further if such a byelaw was to be adopted , as most people within the district do not know which land is owned by the Council and which is not .
4 If such a duty was to be owed it would have to be based on an express or implied term in the contract of employment .
5 Such a confirmation was to be of great propaganda value to the papacy in addition to its immediate political and financial value ; Charles had confirmed that a friendly relationship existed between the great kingdom of the Franks and Rome , and that a pope could make demands upon the Frankish king in full expectation of support and response — perhaps even of obedience .
6 L 379 , p. 1 ) , according to which the levying of any customs duty or charge having equivalent effect and the application of any quantitative restriction or measure having equivalent effect were prohibited in the internal trade of the Community ; ( c ) article 8(1) of that Regulation , which , as regards the payment of an indemnity to producers who were not members of a producers ' organisation , provided that such an indemnity was to be granted without discrimination as to the nationality or place of establishment of the recipients ; ( d ) article 27(2) of that Regulation , which laid down for all fishing vessels flying the flag of one of the member states the principle of equal access to ports and first-stage marketing installations in the other member states ; ( e ) article 5(2) of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 170/83 , which authorised the member states to determine the detailed rules for the utilisation of the quotas allocated to them , in accordance with the applicable Community provisions ; and ( f ) article 13(2) of Council Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 3094/86 laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources ( Official Journal 1986 No .
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